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Date Posted: 12:42:01 12/10/02 Tue
Author: Sources
Subject: Curriculum et al


Results 1-15 of about 3026 containing 'IRISH FAMINE CURRICULUM'


Nebraska Department of EducationDownload the Great Famine curriculum used to teach Nebraska students about the 1848 tragedy. Sponsored by the Irish Famine Curriculum Committee.


Irish Famine Curriculum Committee - GEM Consortium MemberIrish Famine Curriculum Committee Homepage: http://www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/irish_famine.html Contact: James V. Mullin Email: JVMullin@aol.com Rights Information: Search The Gateway: To find resources, search for "IrishFamine" Description: Between

Irish FamineThe Irish Famine in the 1840s Links to useful websites In the decade from 1845 - 1855, the years of the Irish Famine and its aftermath, the Irish population was reduced from 9 million to 6 million.

Irish famine LinksIrish Famine Links useful resource of pictures, cartoons, images, and recordings regarding the Great Famine includes Irish, English, and American perspectives of the Great Famine

BUBL LINK / 5:15 Internet Resources: Irish historyBUBL LINK / 5:15 Catalogue of Internet Resources Page last updated: 04 July 2002 CAIN: Conflict Archive on the Internet

The National Archives of Ireland:Sources for further researchSources for Further Information This is part of an article on sources in the National Archives of Ireland on the Great Famine (1845-1850). A number of other on-line sources are available on this site:

Times 1996US'clarifies' Irish history John Burns and Eamon Lynch, New York CHILDREN in schools across America look set to be taught that the Irish potato famine last century was an act of genocide by the British government, comparable to the Holocaust.

Irish Abroad - Irish American NewsDaily Irish American News, covering news, sport, features and articles from Boston and New York.

Newshound: Links to daily newspaper articles about Northern IrelandA New History of the Irish in America

Genocide and Human Rights:atest news l emigration l immigration l links l search l contact us l home Genocide and Human Rights: The Irish Famine in American School Curricula Thomas J. Archdeacon Department of History University of Wisconsin -- Madison

IRISH LOBBY NEWSLETTERPOLICY • CULTURE • ECONOMY IRISH LOBBY NEWSLETTER Welcome Irish Lobby There are over 1.9 million people in New Jersey who claim some form of Irish American ancestry. In the past, organizations have formed and eventually disbanded.

Irish Emigrant - News and jobs for the global Irish communityNews and information for the Irish abroad, via email and the World Wide Web

IrishOne.com: Favorite LinksInternet Service Provider to the Irish American Community Never Forget 9/11/2001 God Bless America Click above to purchase your next Dell™ Computer Irish Artists Links a category created in June 02 to promote the Irish artist. Joseph Behan IRISH

Booklist[an error occurred while processing this directive] Choose a County Carlow Cavan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin Gaeltacht Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth Mayo Meath Monaghan Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford

The Rogue Celtic Directory(Studies)$200 CasinoCashBonus STUDIES This page updated Imbolc / Brigid 2002(c.e.) American Conference for Irish Studies (ACIS), The An Gorta Mor: The Great Irish Famine: Syllabus (University of Wisconsin) Association for Scottish Literary Studies (ASLS)

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