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Subject: Second Generation - Parts #44-46

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Date Posted: 08:35:06 12/05/03 Fri

PART #44
Delbert was invited into the office of the Executive Vice President Sanford Wilbur. Mr. Wilbur stood, extended a hand to Delbert; and said, “Young man, I have been looking forward to meeting you. Mr. Deverall has spoken highly of you on several occasions. He said he had high hopes of you coming to work here one day. I was instructed by Mr. Deverall while he was alive to give you the royal tour; and if you accept the offer of working here, I was to give you my personal attention.”

Delbert said, “At the present time I am looking over the job offer. I am not sure that I will be staying on here. Mr. Wilbur looked stunned that Delbert had any doubt about staying. He said, “Are you aware there is an office already set up, and waiting for you to occupy it?” Now it was Delbert’s turn to look stunned. “No Sir, I did not know that,” said Delbert. Mr. Wilbur stood up once again; and said, “Please follow me, and let me show you the office.”

The two men walked down the hall; and stopped in front of an office door with Delbert’s name inscribed on a brass plate. He was startled once again. He followed Mr. Wilbur into the office; and saw that it had been tastefully decorated. He discovered a large picture of an older man hanging on the wall behind the desk. He couldn’t help but stare for he felt it must be a picture of Hollingsworth Deverall. Mr. Wilbur saw him staring at the picture; and he said, “You are probably wondering why Mr. Deverall’s picture is hanging in this office. He requested it be hung there. When I asked him why he wanted his picture in here, he just smiled; and said, “I want to remind the young man that I’ll always be looking over his shoulders.”

Delbert walked around the room; and noticed there was a picture of his mother on the desk. It must have belonged to Hollingsworth. It turned out to be his favorite picture of his mother. This whole thing had a rather eerie feeling about it. Mr. Wilbur said, “Mr. Deverall liked to come in here; and sit at this desk. He’d sit there in that chair; and say, “This is where I do my best thinking.”

Mr. Wilbur took Delbert around the entire bank, and as they were walking back to Mr. Wilbur’s office, a young lady with a stack of files came out of one of the offices. She seemed in a terrible hurry. She did not see the two men approaching her as she came out of the door; and she promptly ran into Delbert. Files were flying all over the floor; and she tripped, and fell. Delbert felt so sorry for her for she was terribly embarrassed. He told Mr. Wilbur, “Excuse me, but I feel I need to help this young lady since I bumped into her. Why don’t you return to your office, and I will be there shortly.”

Delbert got down on a knee, and started picking up the files. The young lady apologized profusely. Delbert assured her he was all right, and then asked her, “What is your name?” She responded, “My name is Juliana La Faye, and this is my first day here at the bank. I am sorry for my clumsiness.” He laughed; and said, “Next time, I will know to step aside when I see you coming.” She laughed too; and said, “That would probably be wise.”

Juliana walked away from him; and he watched her as she carried the files into an office down the hall. He couldn’t help but be taken by her beauty. She had long curly hair that was pulled back from her head. He noticed she was having difficulty keeping the curls tucked back. She had dark snapping eyes that seemed to sparkle when she was embarrassed. He knew he would like to get to know her better. If he were to stay, getting to know her would be a priority.

He walked back into the office of Mr. Wilbur; and asked, “What is the starting salary and benefits for working here? Mr. Wilber asked him to sit down, and pulled out a file and opened it on the desk. He said, “Mr. Deverall has already established your starting salary. He handed a sheet of paper to Delbert to read. When Delbert saw the figure for the starting salary, he knew it was an offer he could not turn down.

Delbert called his mother that night from the hotel; and told her what had happened. He described his visit to the bank, his tour of the bank, the office that had already been established and decorated for him. He told her about Hollingsworth’s picture hanging on the wall over his desk; and what Hollingsworth had said about his picture hanging behind Delbert’s desk. He said, “Mother, there is even a picture of you on my desk.” Ruth gasped, “Delbert, this sounds like you have already made up your mind to stay.” “Yes, Mother, I have decided to stay. The salary had already been set up for my starting wage. I was told by the Executive Vice President that Hollingsworth had done all this recently.”

Ruth said, “Where will you live?” Delbert said, “I suppose I will find an apartment, until you can come to help me look for a home.” Ruth asked, “What did you say Delbert?” He laughed, “Well, surely you will want to move to Lake Charles too. I would not want to have you living so far away. Please say you will come, and at least look Lake Charles over.”

Tears were sliding down Ruth’s face as she listened to Delbert’s excitement on the phone. Hollingsworth had not told her that he had set everything up for Delbert to come there and work. She found this to be somewhat strange, almost as if he expected he would die soon. She said, “Delbert, let me think about it for a few days, and I will get back to you. Give me a telephone number where you can be reached, and I will call you.”

Delbert gave her the number and said, “Mom, I met a beautiful young lady today at the bank. She had just begun work today, and we bumped into each other sending files all over the floor. I would really like to get to know her. Her name is Juliana La Faye. Isn’t that a beautiful name? Ruth said, “My, this has been quite a day for you, hasn’t it? Yes, Delbert that is a pretty name.

PART #45

Juliana walked into the kitchen of the plantation home wearing a smile. Catherine looked at her as she was filling the water glasses to place on the table for the evening meal. She said, “Juliana, I see that smile. Does this mean you had a good first day at work?” Juliana laughed, “Well, let’s see, I managed to drop an armful of files, when I ran into a young man that is supposed to be some really high powered new employee from Pennsylvania. He helped me pick them up, and I was blushing all over the place.

Catherine laughed, “I suppose he was good looking.” “Mother, you never give up trying to find me a beau, do you?” she remarked. Catherine asked, “Do I really do that?” “You must be joking,” answered Juliana. “You do it all the time; ask Katerina, and she will tell you the same thing.” Catherine pretended her feelings were hurt when she said, “I’m your mother, and I just want you all to be happy.”

Juliana walked over to her mother, put her arms around her, and said, “Give us time mother; give us time.” Catherine said, “Have you looked at your mother recently; do you see this gray hair? Don’t you realize I need some grandchildren to hold in my arms before I get too old to hold the little darlings?” Juliana threw her hands up in the air; and said, “Oh my goodness now you’re pushing for grandchildren. Let me find a beau first.” Catherine said, “Juliana that is why I have been trying to help you find a beau.” Juliana looked at her mother; and said, “Mother, I have a feeling I have already met the man I will marry.” Catherine said, “Oh my, this is the best news I have heard in a long time.” Juliana asked, “Mother, does this mean you will back off now in trying to find a husband for me?” Her mother laughed; and responded by saying, “I will keep my eye on the situation as it is developing.” Juliana said, “I am sure you will Mother.”

Bow walked in on the conversation, and laughed. He asked, “Juliana, is she matchmaking again?” Juliana said, “She is pushing for grandchildren now Dad. I am surprised she hasn’t found a girl for Horace too.” Catherine said, “He has time yet; he’s still pretty young.” Juliana shook her head, and smiled for she knew her mother did desire all her children to have a happy marriage just like the one she was privileged to enjoy with Bow.

Katerina walked into the kitchen; and said, “I have an announcement.” Bow said, “I hope it is good news.” Katerina said, “It is very good news. Jean Baptiste and I are engaged to be married.” Catherine said, “Now that’s the kind of news I like to hear. Have you set a date for the wedding?” Katerina said, “No, we have not done that yet, but I do have a ring.” Juliana squealed; and said, “Let me see it.” Katerina showed them the ring; and proudly said, “Jean Baptiste made the ring for me.” Catherine and Bow congratulated Katerina; and Catherine said, “My wish for you is coming true. I have hoped for a long time that you would marry Jean Baptiste. I don’t think there could be a finer young man.”

Catherine looked at Bow; and said, “This has to be one of the happiest days of my life. Boudreau and Lucia are engaged, Katerina and Jean Baptiste are engaged, and now Juliana has told me she feels she has met the man she will marry. The only thing that will be better than this is the day I have grandchildren. Bow laughed at her comments; and said, “I thought the day we were married was pretty special too.” Catherine said, “Bow, of course that was a special day; look around this room and see the results of that special day.”

Horace came into the kitchen carrying a bicycle tire that had gone flat. Bow said, “Horace, why don’t you set that out on the porch, and I will help you fix that after we eat.” Horace carried it out on the porch, and came back inside to eat. The family sat down at the table, and the wedding talk was getting under way. Horace finished his food, and stood up. He said, “I hope you all don’t mind if I leave this wedding talk, and go work on my bicycle. I think you can work out all the plans without my help.” Bow said, “Wait a minute, and I will go with you. We’ll leave the wedding planning in the hands of these lovely ladies.”

To be continued...

PART #46

That night after Ruth had talked to Delbert she wrestled with his suggestion of coming to Lake Charles, and helping him find a place to live. Did she dare risk going there and running into Lenore? How would she ever be able to face her now? She wondered if Lenore had any idea about her and Delbert. She knew Lenore’s marriage to Hollingsworth was a loveless marriage. Too many times she had heard the grief and bitterness in Hollingsworth’s voice when he spoke of his marriage. She often wondered if Hollingsworth would have left Lenore if she had asked him. But, she felt enough guilt in her life over her situation; and she wasn’t about to ask him to leave his wife and daughter.

Ruth had not known about the office and plans Hollingsworth had for Delbert to come to Lake Charles. She was glad he had waited for Delbert to become an adult before something like this was offered. She was somewhat shocked at the things Delbert had shared about the office being decorated with both Hollingsworth’s portrait and Ruth’s picture. She couldn’t help wondering if Lenore had ever seen that office. Did Lenore go to the bank often? She also wondered about the daughter. Hollingsworth had told Ruth that she was very beautiful, and the one good thing that had come out of his marriage. She thought that Lucia surely knew about Delbert now because of the will. Had she known anything before this time? If not, what a shock this must be to her finding out she had a half-brother all this time.

Ruth didn’t sleep that night. There were too many thoughts racing through her mind. She thought about Delbert needing her in Lake Charles. He had no one who knew him; and who could support him, if and when, he ran into the rest of Hollingsworth’s family. Delbert was being forced to deal with a lot at this time in his life. Much of what he was dealing with came about as the result of her affair with Hollingsworth. She walked the floor throughout the night thinking of every angle and possibility of the situation. When it was early morning, she had made up her mind. She would call Delbert; and ask him if he were sure he wanted her to come to Lake Charles. If he assured her he did want her to come, then she would go. She could always return to Pennsylvania if things did not go well in Lake Charles.

When it was 7:00 A.M. the phone in Delbert’s hotel room rang. He had just finished shaving, and was dressing to go down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast. When he answered, he heard Ruth on the other end saying, “Delbert, are you positive you want me to come to Lake Charles?” Delbert said, “Of course I want you to come. I would not have asked you if I preferred you stay in Pennsylvania.” She said, “Delbert, I have been up all night trying to work this out in my mind. I have decided I will at least come there to visit. I will help you look for a place to live, and we will take it a day at a time. I will have someone look after my house and rose garden while I am away. I will make the arrangements, and give you a call to let you know when I will arrive.” Delbert said, “Mom, thanks for deciding to come. I do really want you to come, and be with me. The worst part of coming here was being without you.”

Ruth said, “Now that the decision is made, I am going to bed. I will be in touch with you as soon as things are arranged. You can meet me at the train station.” Delbert said, “As soon as I know when you will arrive, I will set up a room for you here at the hotel. I may do some checking about the possibility of purchasing a small home.” Ruth said, “Delbert, are you going to be able to afford a home?” Delbert answered, “Mother, you won’t believe the salary I am being paid. I can afford a small home.”

When Ruth hung up the phone, she smiled for she realized that Hollingsworth had paved the way for their son’s future. He had thought of everything to set Delbert up at the bank. She only hoped that his future would be bright, and not get cluttered up with the debris of Hollingsworth’s death and estate that was yet to be settled.

Delbert finished dressing; and went down to get some breakfast. After he finished eating, he drove to the bank parking lot. He found there was a parking place with his name engraved on the stone in front of the place he was to park his car. He walked to the back door as he had previously been instructed, knocked on the door, and was admitted by a doorman. The man smiled; and said, “Good morning Mr. Cummings.” Delbert looked at the man, and asked, “What is your name, Sir?” The man replied, “My name is Blount, Sir.” Delbert said, “Thank you for admitting me this morning Mr. Blount.”

Delbert walked towards the office of the Executive Vice President, knocked on the door, and said, “Mr. Wilbur, I am ready to go to work.” Mr. Wilbur looked up from his desk; and said, “You are a bit early Delbert; I like that for it shows you are eager. Mr. Deverall had said you would be an “eager beaver.” Delbert was a little shocked by that bit of information, but he said nothing. Mr. Wilbur laughed; and said, “Mr. Deverall said he knew your father; and he figured you would be cut from the same piece of cloth, so you would be an ambitious sort of young man. I can see that Mr. Deverall was correct.”

Delbert knew that Mr. Wilbur knew nothing about Hollingsworth being his father, but all this information was unsettling. Delbert said, “I can see you knew Mr. Deverall quite well.” Mr. Wilbur said, “I probably knew him as well as anyone, but he was a man who kept many things to himself. To tell you the truth, I was sort of surprised at his excitement over you coming to work for the bank. I had never seen him get that excited about any other employee.”

To be continued...

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Re: Second Generation - Parts #44-46Ted Yahraus18:35:42 12/07/03 Sun

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