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Subject: Second Generation - Parts 55-58

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Date Posted: 23:38:48 01/02/04 Fri

PART #55

Lenore had decided it was time to share her life with Lucia. She felt she needed to know why her life had been so difficult with Hollingsworth. She had told her about asking Hollingsworth to leave his life of crime. Lenore continued by saying, “It seemed that Hollingsworth was away from home more and more. One night he came home to find there were two men inside our home. They came to the house pretending they were salesmen Hollingsworth had contacted about some pieces of art. They insisted on waiting until he came home to talk with him. I was really nervous about them being there. They did not seem like your usual salesmen. You had been sick most of the day, and were crying quite a bit. The one became angry and told me to make you be quiet. I tried to explain that you were ill and feverish. He started pacing the floor, and I could see the anger was mounting.”

“Hollingsworth happened to come home after they had been there for an hour. When he saw the men, I could see a look of sheer terror in his eyes for just a moment. He told me to take you upstairs to the nursery, and wait for him there. I picked you up, ran out of the room to the stairs, and up to the nursery. I could hear the men arguing with Hollingsworth, and finally they left. He came up the stairs and said, “Lenore, our lives are in danger. I want you to gather up what things you feel we will need. We are going to get out of here before we are killed. Those two thugs who were here are hit men for one of the families here in Pennsylvania.

I gathered up as much as I thought we would need for being away for a period of time, and Hollingsworth drove us to a motel. He told me to stay there with you, and not let anyone in the door except for him. He went back out, and returned in an hour. When he returned, he said he had staged our death by causing an explosion in our home. He insisted we leave at that moment, and our destination would be Lake Charles, La. To this day I do not know why he chose Lake Charles, La. He never told me the reason. We loaded everything in the car from the motel, and took off in the middle of the night. He had me go in and pay for the room even though we left before morning. He said it would not do if his face was seen again there in Pennsylvania.”

“Hollingsworth was pretty quiet on the trip to Lake Charles. I knew he was terrified we would be spotted. He was terribly nervous, and kept looking in his rear view mirror. I did everything I could think of to keep you from crying. You were feverish, and I was fearful you would become dreadfully ill. I wondered what we would do if that happened for Hollingsworth was so intent upon getting as far away as possible; and there was no stopping for anything other than gas. Thankfully, you were better by the next day. When we drove into Lake Charles, Hollingsworth said, ‘This will be our new home Lenore, and I want you to know I have made a break from my past life. I am going to live a different life here, and we are going to be a regular family just like everyone else.” He also told me we could never tell anyone our real names, and from that day forward we would be known as the Hollingsworth Deverall family.”

Lucia could see the pain in her mother’s eyes as she spoke of their past life. She said, “It must have made you so sad when you realized that Daddy had returned to his criminal ways.” Lenore said, “Yes, Lucia, I was crushed. I tried to talk to him about it, and he refused to listen. At first he kept everything away from our home, but little by little he became more and more involved. That’s when you began to see Alfonso De Nato and Peter Dunkirk. Alfonso was hired by your father as a hit man. Whenever things got out of hand, and Hollingsworth needed to eliminate someone, he called Alfonso to take care of the matter.”

Lucia said, “Mother, I never did understand the connection with Peter Dunkirk. He was a lawyer wasn’t he?” Lenore answered, “Yes, Lucia, he was a lawyer. He came to your father requesting a large sum of money. I heard your father tell him he would give him the money if he would be willing to do a favor for him. That favor, Lucia, was killing Boudreau so that he would be out of your life. Your father could not stand for you to have a relationship with a young man that would culminate in marriage, and take you away from him.”

Lucia said, “Mother, I don’t know how I could have been so blind and not see what Daddy was doing.” Lenore remarked, “Your father doted on you; why would you suspect a loving father of such terrible things?” Lucia said, “But I should have realized something was not right by the way he treated you. I often wondered why he was so cold toward you when he could be so warm toward me. I do understand things more clearly now.”

Lucia wanted to ask her mother about Ruth Cummings, but she didn’t feel she could lay more at her feet. She was emotional from calling back to memory the things she had shared. Lenore sat looking at her daughter who had become so very quiet, and asked, “You wondering about Ruth aren’t you?” Lucia seemed embarrassed that her mother had guessed what she was thinking. “Oh Mother, I am sorry for I have no right to ask you about her.” Lenore said, “Lucia, you have every right to ask. I am afraid that Hollingsworth kept his affair so secret I never knew anything about it until after he died and we found the letter and will. As I think back over the whole thing, I believe he was talking to her, and sending her money. He would never have gone back to Pennsylvania though. It is possible they met in other places, and I was simply not aware of it. I guess only Ruth could give the answers to some of your questions.”

Lucia said, “Mother I believe you have been gracious towards this woman. She had an affair with your husband, and we have Delbert as living proof of that affair. What kind of woman takes money from another woman’s husband to live all these years?” Lenore said, “Lucia, she obviously thought she had loved your father, and she had a child to care for. She had no family other than Delbert. I would say her actions are the actions of a lonely and desperate woman. Perhaps she felt that was the least Hollingsworth could do for her. After all he did leave her and the child behind in Pennsylvania.”

PART #56

The next morning Juliana made it a point to greet Delbert at the bank. She talked to him warmly about his mother coming in on the train, and offered to show her around Lake Charles if she would desire. She thought Delbert seemed somewhat surprised by her suggestion; but he smiled, and told her he did appreciate her offer of kindness. He asked if she would like to go to the train station with him to pick up his mother at five o’clock. Juliana said, “I would be happy to go with you.”

At ten o’clock Boudreau walked into the bank, and asked if he might speak with Delbert Cummings. He was led to Delbert’s office, and shown into the room. Delbert stood and greeted Boudreau, and asked him to be seated. Smiling, he said to Boudreau, “I really appreciated the invitation to your parents’ home last evening. Juliana was very kind to invite me. She knew I wanted to get acquainted with people in the area, and she asked me to begin with her family. I was sorry to see that your friend became ill and had to leave” Boudreau studied the young man as he talked. He did seem sincere, but could Boudreau trust what he had said? He asked, “Delbert, you don’t know anyone in Lake Charles?” Delbert said, “I have never before met anyone from Lake Charles.” Boudreau said, “Why did you come all the way from Pennsylvania to Lake Charles to work in a bank? I would have thought you could have found a bank closer to Pennsylvania. Were you looking for a change of location?”

Delbert was surprised at the questions that Boudreau was asking. He said, “I had an invitation to come to work at this bank, and I decided to come look it over, and see what it was like here. When I arrived here, I looked over the city. I also looked at the position I had been offered, and I decided I would stay.”

Boudreau continued to watch Delbert; and finally he asked, “Delbert I would like to tell you something, and I hope it won’t offend you in anyway. I do feel there are some things that need to be said.” He saw that Delbert’s countenance had changed somewhat, but Delbert said, “Say what you will Boudreau.” Boudreau said, “I believe you know that I am engaged to Lucia Deverall.” She is the daughter of the deceased man in that portrait on the wall behind your desk. I have come to know Lucia and her mother, Lenore, quite well in the last few months. They are lovely ladies, and they have been hurt a great deal. I do not want to see them subjected to anymore hurt. Am I making myself clear in this?

Delbert looked at Boudreau and asked, “Why would you tell me that Boudreau?” Boudreau said, “Because I am not sure of your intentions here in Lake Charles. I happen to know who you really are Delbert. I know that Hollingsworth Deverall was your father.” Delbert gasped, “How did you know that?” Boudreau said, “A copy of Hollingsworth’s will was found in his study following his death. There was also a letter addressed to you, that Lenore gave to the lawyer to see that you received it. That was the first that Lenore and Lucia knew about you. They did not know you were in Lake Charles until you mysteriously turned up at my parents’ home for dinner. Can you understand why they were so shocked?”

Delbert gasped, and said, “Boudreau, I did not realize they knew about me. I was not trying to hurt them in any way. I would like you to know that I never knew about my father until the lawyer came to me with the letter and the will. You might say they have known about this a little longer then I have known. I have experienced quite a shock in my life as well. I never received any information about my father, and had no clue as to his identity. My mother would never discuss my parentage. I learned at an early age not to ask.”

Delbert said, “May I ask you a question?” Boudreau said, “Of course, please feel free to ask.” Delbert thought for a moment, than asked, “Did you know my father?” Boudreau answered, “I knew him slightly, but my experience was not good with him.” “What do you mean by that?” asked Delbert. “Hollingsworth did not like me dating his daughter. He was afraid we would fall in love and get married, and he did not want his daughter to get married and leave him. He was a man who was into power and control.”

Delbert laughed, “Well, it looks like that is exactly what has happened.” Boudreau said, “Delbert, it almost didn’t happen.” “Why is that?” asked Delbert. Boudreau said, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but Hollingsworth put out a hit on me and I was stabbed by one of his hit men.” Delbert blinked, “What did you say?” Boudreau said, “Were you not aware Hollingsworth Deverall was into organized crime?” Delbert quietly said, “No, I did not know that. I can see there is much about my father that has been kept from me.”

Boudreau said, “Delbert this bank was pretty much a front for Hollingsworth. He owned a ship line that transported drugs and illegal alcohol. That was the source of most of his money. Lucia did not know her father was involved in organized crime until I was stabbed. I would say the truth about Hollingsworth has been kept from both of you.”

PART #57

After Boudreau left the bank, Delbert made a decision. He picked up the phone and asked Juliana if she would come to his office for a moment. When she entered the room, he stood and said, “Juliana, I do hope I won’t offend you, but I feel it would be best if I went to pick up my mother by myself. There will be time later for her to meet you. I think she will be tired, and will prefer to go to the hotel and rest. Would that be all right with you?”

Juliana seemed somewhat surprised by the change of plans, but she smiled and said, “Of course that will be all right. We will do something later when your mother feels up to it. You probably need some time alone together when she comes.” Delbert asked, “Are you sure this is all right with you?” Juliana said, “Don’t worry Delbert it is fine with me.” He smiled at her once again and said, “Thank you for being so understanding.”

After the books were balanced and the bank closed, Delbert drove over to the train station to wait for the train. About five minutes before five o’clock Delbert heard the whistle of the train. In a few moments the train arrived at the station. Delbert walked the board walk towards the place the people were to disembark. Several people got off the train and finally he saw his mother. He waved at her; she waved back and smiled. He walked toward her; and when she reached him, she gave him a hug. It was obvious she was thrilled to see him.

Delbert took Ruth’s luggage and carried it to the car. He placed the luggage inside, and then opened the door for his mother. She got into the car; and he closed the door, and walked around to the driver’s side. Soon they were on their way to the hotel. Ruth asked him about his new job, how he liked it, if he had met any new people, and if he had been looking for a small home.

Delbert told her he enjoyed the new job, he had met some new people, and he hadn’t found the time to look for a home. He told her he was glad she had come down to look over Lake Charles. Delbert asked Ruth if she would prefer to eat in at the hotel that evening or go out to eat. He said, “I thought perhaps you would be very tired from your trip.” After they shared amenities, Delbert looked at Ruth and asked, “Mother, would you please tell me everything you know about my father? I know the lawyer gave us a letter that was addressed to you to read following my father’s death, and it stipulated that no one was to know I was my father’s son. I have come here to Lake Charles thinking no one knew who I was, only to find out there are some people who do know.

Ruth seemed somewhat surprised by Delbert’s request for information concerning his father. She asked, “What do you want to know?” Delbert repeated what he had asked, “I want to know everything you know about Hollingsworth Deverall.” Ruth asked, “Delbert has something happened since you have been here in Lake Charles?” He responded, “Mother, I will discuss that later, but first I want some answers from you.”

Ruth could see that Delbert was very serious, and she said, “All right, I will tell you everything that I can remember. I first met Sammie (Hollingsworth) twenty-nine years ago when I was working at an Italian restaurant in what we called Little Italy. This was an area inhabited by many Italian immigrants. I worked as a greeter for the people who came into the restaurant. One day Sammie and some of his friends came into the restaurant, and I took them to their table. He was a very handsome man, dressed well, and seemed to have lots of money. I was very young, and had no experience with knowing men. Sammie flirted outrageously with me. I was blushing, and he kept telling me how beautiful I looked when I blushed, which only made me blush all the more.

Sammie came in every night after that, and always asked to speak to me. Since he left such generous tips, the owner of the restaurant did not seem concerned that he was taking up a lot of my time. One night he asked to take me out. I felt that I knew him pretty well by that time so I went out with him. He was very respectful of me, and always treated me nicely. After we had been seeing each other for a while, he asked me if he could kiss me. I told him it would be all right. That kiss began our romantic involvement. One night in the restaurant, the owner saw Sammie kiss me good-bye. He came up to me when the restaurant closed and said, “Ruth, I am afraid I am going to have to fire you.” I was shocked and asked him if there was a problem. He answered, “Yes, there is a problem. I saw Sammie kissing you tonight, and I am wondering if you know the man is married. Also, I wonder if you realize what this man does for a living.”

Delbert, I could not believe that Sammie would deceive me like that. I told Jimmy, the owner, he had to be wrong. He said, “No Ruth, you are the one who is wrong. I know Sammie’s wife, and her name is Lenore. One other thing you need to know is that Sammie is the head of one of the families here that happens to be involved in organized crime.” He told me he knew we were on friendly terms, but he couldn’t stand by and watch me get romantically involved with a married mobster.

Delbert, I decided I would ask Sammie about what I had been told, but I was careful to not let him know who had told me. Sammie said it was true, but there was one more thing I needed to know and that was the truth about his feelings for me. He told me he loved me very much and did not want to lose me. I told him I did not want to come between him and his wife. He pleaded with me to go out that night one more time. Finally I agreed. When he came to pick me up, he had flowers, and a huge box that contained a fur coat. Inside the coat pocket was a jewelry box. When I opened the box, I saw it contained a wedding ring. I looked at the ring and asked him what he was doing. With tears in his eyes, he said, “Ruthie, you are the only one I love, but I will never be able to get a divorce. I do not love my wife. Please take this ring as a token of my love for you. In my heart you will always be my wife. He began to cry. I felt such pity for him, and took him in my arms. We were intimate that night.

I told Sammie I had lost my job because the owner had seen him kiss me. He said, “Not to worry, I will fix that for you.” The next day when I went to pick up my things the owner was very nervous. He told me I still had my job, but the agreement was that Sammie would no longer come into the restaurant. I didn’t know what had happened, but I was glad to have the work. I missed seeing Sammie for he stayed away and no longer came into the restaurant.

One night when I returned home, I found Sammie waiting outside my apartment. He told me there was a need for a housekeeper at their home. Did I think I could handle the position with his wife as my employer? He told me she knew nothing about our relationship, and I would live in a cottage on the grounds of their home. He promised to see me as often as it was possible. When he told me the starting salary, I decided I couldn’t refuse. Besides, I wanted to see the woman who had married Sammie. So I went to work for them.

PART #58

Ruth had decided she would tell all to Delbert. It seemed important to him that he know everything about her relationship with Hollingsworth. She told him about working in the Deverall home as a housekeeper. She said, “It did not take long for me to see how unhappy Lenore was in her marriage to Sammie. I never called him Sammie though for I did not want to reveal there was any type of relationship between us. I worked for them for several months, and Sammie would come to see me at the cottage whenever he felt it was safe. He never stayed for long, never longer than an hour. He was different with me, always relaxed and fun loving.

Delbert looked at his mother and asked, “Mother, didn’t you feel a terrible sense of guilt for what you were doing?” Ruth answered with tears in her eyes, “Yes, I felt a terrible sense of guilt. I would try to appease that guilt by telling myself Sammie was so alone and needed me. I would argue with myself and part of me would say, “Lenore wouldn’t care if she knew, she doesn’t love him anyway.”

Delbert, something happened that changed everything. I found out that Lenore was pregnant. When I found out, I was crushed. Sammie had told me there were no romantic feelings between them, and now she was pregnant. I was angry with him; I was withdrawn. I told him never to come to my cottage again. I would continue to work for his wife, but he was to leave me alone. For a month Sammie honored my wishes. He didn’t come to the cottage at all. One night I heard a banging on the door; and I got up to see who was there. Sammie was covered in blood and I screamed when I saw him. He asked if he could come in and wash up before he went home. I asked, “Are you hurt?” He said, “Tito, my body guard, was shot tonight. He took the bullet for me. He jumped in front of me, and he is dead.” I washed out his clothes, and hung them in front of the fireplace to dry. While he waited on his clothes to dry he told me about the murder. He was shaky, and I felt sorry for him. I was frightened for him. The next thing I knew he took me in his arms and was telling me how much he loved me.

A few weeks later I found out I was pregnant. After I discovered I was pregnant, I told Sammie; and he said, “It will be necessary for you to leave the cottage, and move into another place.” He promised he would take care of me and the baby, and said I was not to worry about anything. The most difficult thing for me was to tell Lenore I was quitting. She begged me to stay, but I broke down and told her I really had to leave. Sammie was true to his word. He purchased a small home for me, and has since that time sent money for us to live. Even now, there is a trust that is supplying money for living expenses.”

Delbert asked, “Mother, why didn’t you break away from this man?” Ruth said, “I let him talk me into staying here in Pennsylvania at home to raise you, our son.” He told me he felt that was the best gift he could give you; he would not hear of me looking for work. He said a child needed his mother at home.” Delbert shook his head in disbelief. He thought he knew his mother, but this did not sound at all like the woman he had known all these years.

Delbert said, “Mother, you did not answer my question; why didn’t you break away from this man?” Ruth said, “Delbert, I loved Sammie dearly. I knew the life he lived; I knew he would never divorce his wife. But you have to believe me when I say that he treated me wonderful. He called almost every night asking about you.” Delbert asked, “Why wasn’t I aware he called?” Ruth responded, “Sammie always called at 1:00 A.M. He waited until he knew you would be asleep. He went to great lengths to keep himself from you, because he feared for your life. I sent him pictures on a regular basis, and he was so proud of you. When you graduated from college, he wore a disguise so he could come to the graduation service. He took a picture of us together which he sent me. That was the only time he came to Pennsylvania after he left with his family.”

Delbert said, “I find all this so disturbing. I have been an adult for some years now, and not to find out about my biological father until he is dead is very upsetting. I will never be able to understand why you kept all this from me.” Ruth said, “I did what Sammie wanted me to do. He told me, “Ruthie it is too dangerous for you and Delbert if anyone figures out we have a relationship that resulted in a son. That reason still exists, Delbert. If the news gets out that Sammie did not die until recently; and his family members are here in Lake Charles, there could still be serious problems. Sammie did not want you to grow up and be a part of the mob. He wanted you free of all that, and that was another reason for him not wanting anyone to know who you are.”

Delbert said, “Mother, there is something you need to know. Lenore and her daughter, Lucia, found a letter addressed to me among my father’s things. There was also a copy of his will. This was the first they knew about me. Can you imagine the shock to them when they discovered this information?” Ruth said, “I am so sorry about all this.” Delbert said, “Lucia happens to be engaged to a man by the name of Boudreau La Faye, and he came to see me this morning telling me that it was my father who hired a hit man to have him killed. Guess why my father wanted Boudreau killed; he had the audacity to fall in love with his daughter. To keep them apart, my father decided he would have Boudreau eliminated. Delbert asked, “Mother, how well did you really know my father? Have you been aware he was this sort of man? I can’t believe you would be involved with a man who hired hit men to eliminate someone who was offensive to him.”

To be continued...

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Re: Second Generation - Parts 55-58Ted Yahraus16:44:44 01/07/04 Wed

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