Subject: Second Generation - Parts #63-#66 |
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Date Posted: 01:17:17 01/09/04 Fri
PART #63
Lucia cleared her throat as she looked at Delbert then she said, “I would like to ask you something else. What are your intentions now?” Delbert answered, “I guess I don’t fully understand what you mean.” Lucia said, “Delbert, are you going to be satisfied with what my father has left you? Are you here to protest the will? You have to realize that I never knew you existed, and then upon Daddy’s death I find not only do I have a half brother but my father has left a sizable estate to him, and left my mother nothing but the house where she is living. You might say Daddy left her high and dry. She has nothing after being married to him all these years. I want to know something Delbert; did my father leave money for your mother? Has my father been furnishing money for your mother all these years?”
Delbert could see the anguish in Lucia’s face, and hear it in her voice. He spoke softly as he answered, “Lucia, I am so sorry about your mother; I had no idea. You have to realize I did not even know of my father’s existence, let alone, how he was going to divide his estate. If you are concerned about my intentions regarding the estate, please don’t think I am here to take anything away from you and your mother.
I would ask you to understand something was also taken away from me. I never had the opportunity to know my father, as you have known him. That is a pain that does not seem to go away. Is money going to make that pain go away? No, of course it won’t do that. I can see the frustration you must feel, and I really hate to tell you that my mother’s income has been from our father. He did leave her an estate so that she could live comfortably. I feel so badly having to tell you, but I do want to be as truthful as I can with you. I feel that is what you are doing with me, and it is only fair I do the same for you.”
Lucia started to cry softly, when she had the answers she had come to get. Boudreau put his arm around her and patted her shoulder. Lucia looked at Boudreau, and said, “How could my father have treated my mother so cruelly; she was married to him for thirty years? It is difficult to believe he treated mother so badly, yet he showed such loving care toward Delbert’s mother. I will never understand this.”
Boudreau stood and said, “Sweetheart, don’t you think we should go now? Delbert has answered your questions; and we have taken up quite a bit of his time.” Lucia looked at Delbert and said, “Thank you for being honest with me.” He answered, “Lucia, I wish things had been different. I feel badly for you and your mother; and I feel badly for myself and my mother too. You haven’t asked about my mother, but she has been hurt in all this too. But, that is a story for another day. Thank you for coming in to talk with me. I appreciate this more than you could possibly know. You are a courageous woman and I am proud to be your half brother.”
Boudreau and Lucia walked out of the bank and drove back to the Deverall home. Boudreau kissed Lucia, and said, “I must get to work. Jean Baptiste is going to suggest I get another job if I am not more consistent with my work hours.” Lucia apologized for taking Boudreau away from his job. He said, “I promised your mother I would go with you. I will work extra hours today to make up for the time lost. It will be all right. Jean Baptiste is going to marry my sister, Katerina, so he is like family anyway.
Boudreau left and Lucia walked up the stairs of the Deverall home to look in on her mother who was resting. When she looked inside her room, she saw she was seated on the bed going through old pictures. Lucia walked into the room and asked, “Mother, what are you doing?” She answered, “I am looking back through old memories Lucia. See these pictures; we were happy at this time, but as you look through the years you can see how the countenance on our faces changed.
Lucia could see her mother had been crying. She asked, “Mother, are you all right?” Lenore said, “Lucia, I am not sure I will be all right for a very long time. How did your visit go with Delbert?” Lucia said, “This may seem strange for you to hear, but I do like him. He seems to be very sincere, and a little lost. The questions I had for him he was forthright in answering. He wanted to know the truth about Daddy. He said he wanted to ask someone who really knew and who would tell him the truth. That is exactly what I did. He told me he had been hurt by not having been told the truth. I said we had not known the truth either. I told him as much about Daddy as I could Mother. I felt he deserved to know what our father was really like. He was shocked that Daddy left you only the house and nothing else.”
Lenore asked, “Did Delbert say whether Hollingsworth had left anything to Ruth?” Lucia was afraid her mother would ask that question. She hesitated before answering. Her mother said, “Sweetie, you don’t have to say anything; your silence has spoken loudly the answer.” Lucia could see her mother was crushed by this knowledge. All she could say was, “Mother, I am so sorry. You did not deserve this at all. I will never understand why Daddy treated you so terribly.” Lenore said, “Lucia, I do understand. I wanted him to leave organized crime, but of course you know that. He wanted me to fully support him as a mobster. He loved another woman; he did not love me. He loved you, the child I gave him, but he never loved me. He saw himself as a man who loved one woman, but that woman was not his wife.”
Lucia said, “Mother, may I ask you a question.” Lenore said, “Yes, ask whatever you want Lucia.” “What would Daddy have done if you had asked for a divorce?” Her mother said, “Lucia, divorce was not possible for a mobster. If there was talk of a divorce the woman was eliminated. That was done so she could not talk about the activities of her husband in organized crime. I knew it was not wise to talk of divorce. I couldn’t bear the thought of you being raised by a mobster without your mother.”
Lucia said, “Mother there is one good thing that has come out of all this.” Lenore said, “Please tell me what it is.” Lucia said, “I have come to know you better, and to see how much you have sacrificed in your life on my behalf. I shall never forget your sacrifices.” Lenore put her arms around Lucia, and said, “It was not difficult for you were my whole life.”
PART #64
That evening when the bank closed Delbert drove Juliana back to the hotel. She left her car in the bank parking lot, and said she would pick it up later. When they reached the hotel, they walked inside and found that Delbert’s mother was waiting for them in the lobby. When Delbert introduced the two women, Ruth turned towards Juliana; and said, “Juliana, I am so happy to be able to meet you.” Delbert asked, “Mother, why are you here in the lobby?”
Ruth smiled, as she said to Delbert, “I have just returned from looking at some real estate.” Delbert asked, “Did you find anything that you felt was suitable?” She said, “Delbert I have seen about three possibilities. We would be able to look at one of those now if you care to go see it. I was told that would be possible. I didn’t know how you would feel about that at the present time.” Delbert looked at Juliana and asked, “Would you mind if we went to look at a house that I am considering?” Juliana answered, “No, of course I wouldn’t mind. I would be happy to go with you.”
They went back outside, got into the car, and drove to the place that was for sale. When they drove up outside the house, Delbert could see why his mother had suggested looking at it. The house was small but the property was tastefully decorated. The yard had a white picket fence, and there were flowers throughout the yard. A large magnolia tree was in the back yard, and a soft fragrance could be smelled. Juliana walked around looking at everything. She felt it was not her place to say anything, but Delbert stopped her; and asked, “Juliana, what do you think of this place?” Juliana looked at him and said, “I think this place is just about perfect.”
Ruth said, “We have seen the outside, now let’s take a look inside. The key was left for us. They picked up the key that had been placed under a rock by the step. Delbert unlocked the door; and they stepped inside. They walked from room to room and Ruth watched the faces of Delbert and Juliana. Juliana said, “Oh, Delbert, this is so lovely.” Delbert asked his mother, “Are you sure this house is in the price range I gave you?” She said, “Yes Delbert it is in that price range.” “Mother, what do you think of the house?” asked Delbert. She said, “I think this house is perfect for you. It’s not too far from your work, and the house seems to be in good shape. It’s been well kept, and it’s been freshly painted. You would not have to do anything to it, just move in.”
Delbert said, “I think I will make an offer. I really like the place. Ruth said, “I told the real estate person I felt you might want to make an offer.” Delbert laughed, “You know me pretty well, don’t you Mother?” Ruth answered, “I guess I do know you pretty well.”
They put the key back under the rock and drove back to the hotel where they had dinner. Juliana could see Ruth was a lovely person. She understood where Delbert got his gentleness and sincerity. He was much like Ruth. She knew her mother would enjoy Ruth, and she said, “I would like for you to meet my mother. I wonder if you are going to be here for awhile, I would like to set up a lunch for you with my mother and me. Would that be all right with you?” Ruth agreed to meet the next day to have lunch with the two of them. Delbert laughed, “You ladies enjoy yourselves, I will refrain from joining you when there are that many ladies present.”
Following dinner, Delbert took Juliana back to the bank parking lot to pick up her car. She thanked him for a lovely meal with his mother, and bid him good night. Juliana drove home, and parked her car in the driveway. She walked up the steps to the house and found her mother sitting outside in the porch swing. She was darning some of Bow’s sox. Juliana sat down with her mother, and said, “Mother I had such a lovely evening with Delbert and his mother. I know you would like Ruth very much, and I have asked her to have lunch with us tomorrow. Do you think you would be able to go tomorrow?
Catherine looked at Juliana and realized she did not know the whole story about Delbert and his father. She wished she could tell her, but she felt she should ask Boudreau and Lucia before she said anything to her. She already knew that Juliana was very taken with this young man. Catherine thought she did not want to create a problem among the family members. She wondered if things would ever become less complicated.
PART #65
Catherine decided she would wait up until her children came home so that she might talk with Boudreau about Delbert and Ruth. Jean Baptiste brought Katerina home; and they came up the stairs of the porch to sit in the porch swing. Catherine saw them there, and brought out a pitcher of fresh lemonade. She placed it on the table by the swing. Katerina said, “Mother, we have something to tell you. We have set our wedding date. We are going to be married the first week of November.” Catherine said, “That is news. I wondered how long it would be before you actually set a date for the wedding.”
They talked for a while about the wedding and saw lights coming toward the house from an approaching car. Catherine said, “I have a feeling that’s Boudreau coming home.” Soon he was approaching the porch; and with a laugh he said, “Isn’t it sort of late for you people to be congregating out here on the porch?” Catherine said, “It is late for your father who is already asleep in bed.” Boudreau said, “I guess we shouldn’t be getting too rowdy if Dad is already asleep.” He sat down and said, “I guess I have some news to share tonight.”
Catherine said, “Oh my, this must be the night for news. Jean Baptiste and Katerina just told me they have set the date for their wedding for the first week in November.” Boudreau whistled and said, “Really!” Jean Baptiste said, “Boudreau, you sound surprised.” Boudreau said, “I am not surprised you’re getting married, just surprised you are getting married that week. That is the week Lucia and I decided to get married.” Jean Baptiste said, “I’ve always heard that great minds think alike.”
Catherine asked, “Why don’t you have a double wedding?” Jean Baptiste answered, “That would certainly be all right with me if Katerina would like that.” Katerina asked, “Boudreau, how do you think Lucia would feel about that?” He responded, “I don’t really know how she would feel about it, but I can certainly ask her.” Jean Baptiste stood up and said, “Katerina, I think I had better be getting back to Lake Charles.” He gave her a kiss, and left. Katerina said, “I am tired, and I think I will go to bed.” She kissed her mother and went inside.
Catherine waited until she knew that Katerina was out of range to hear their voices and she said, “Boudreau, I need to talk to you about something. I don’t know how aware you are of Juliana’s association with Delbert Cummings. I really believe she is quite taken with him. She had dinner with him and his mother this evening, and went with them to look at a house that Delbert is thinking of buying. Juliana seems to be quite impressed with Delbert’s mother, Ruth. Tomorrow she wants me to go with her and Ruth to have lunch. I guess I am unsure about this whole situation. Do you think it would be all right with Lucia to tell Juliana who Delbert really is?”
Boudreau asked, “Mother, tell me, are you concerned about Delbert as a person, or as the son of Hollingsworth Deverall?” Catherine thought for a few moments and answered, “I guess it is a combination. I don’t know him at all so I guess I am concerned about him as a person. I also realize he did not know his father, or sit under his influence, and was raised totally by his mother, but one always wonders when you know a person’s father is someone like Hollingsworth Deverall.”
Boudreau said, “Mother, I was favorably impressed with Delbert when Lucia and I met and talked with him. He seems to be honest and forthright in his conversation. I guess I can fully understand why he wanted to know about his heritage. I feel everyone has a right to know who they are. Why should Delbert be any different?”
Catherine was cut to the quick when Boudreau made the comment about everyone having the right to know who they are. She felt guilty for hiding the truth of Boudreau’s father from him all these years. She had really felt it was best he did not know who his father was. Here he stood before her as a man who did not know that Bow was not his biological father. Had they made a serious mistake in not telling him? She would have to discuss this with Bow again.
Boudreau said, “Mother, I will go in and telephone Lucia, and see what she has to say about telling Juliana the truth about Delbert. I will also ask her what she thinks of a double wedding. Boudreau went inside the house; and Catherine continued to sit in the porch swing rocking back and forth. It seemed the swing was chanting over and over, “What have you done, what have you done?” She felt miserable for having concealed the truth from Boudreau all these years.
PART #66
After talking to his mother about Delbert, Boudreau decided to call Lucia to see what she thought about telling Juliana who Delbert really was. When Lucia answered the phone, he said, “Honey, I have something I need to ask you. Juliana is seeing Delbert socially. They had dinner tonight with his mother, and she wants Mother to meet with them tomorrow for lunch. Mother is rather concerned about them seeing each other without Juliana knowing the full truth. I am wondering how you might feel about her being told the truth about Delbert.”
Lucia thought for a few moments and said, “Boudreau, she does deserve to know the truth. Please ask her to keep this knowledge in confidence. I feel I owe that to my mother and to Delbert too. I doubt if this is something he wants told to the people of Lake Charles. He is still trying to digest all this information himself. You might suggest to her to not say anything to him, at least for awhile.
Boudreau said to Lucia, “I have some news for you. Guess when Jean Baptiste and Katerina are planning to get married. They have set the date for the first week of November. Since that is the time we are planning to get married, how would you feel about a double wedding?” Lucia said, “My, you are full of surprises, aren’t you? I think a double wedding would be very nice. Since we set our wedding date, I have been thinking about a problem. I don’t have anyone to walk me down the aisle.” Boudreau said, “We can have Dad walk both you and Katerina down the aisle. So, there is no problem.” Lucia said, “Boudreau, I can always count on you to come up with a solution when I have a difficulty.” Boudreau said, “That may not always be true, my love, but I will earnestly try.” Lucia remarked, “That’s why I love you so.”
Boudreau went back out to the porch, and sat down with his mother in the swing. He said, “Mom, I talked to Lucia about Delbert, and she said it was all right to tell Juliana, but we should tell her to keep the news quiet about Delbert. Lucia does not want any further hurt inflicted upon her mother. She said she also felt it would not be something that Delbert would want told around Lake Charles. So we must tell Juliana for her own good, but we must also tell her she must keep silent about this, even to Delbert at this time. I also talked to Lucia about a double wedding; and she seemed pretty excited about that possibility. She mentioned she didn’t have anyone to walk her down the aisle. I told her Dad could walk both Katerina and herself down the aisle at the same time.”
Catherine said, “Oh, I think that would be very nice Boudreau.” Catherine stood up from the swing, stretched, and said, “I think I need to go to bed. It has been a rather long day, and tomorrow promises to be full.” Boudreau said, “Mom, there is one thing more I would like to say.” “What is that Boudreau?” she asked. “I am so grateful for Dad letting me go to work with Uncle George and Jean Baptiste. I love the work there. They tell me I am doing wonderful work, and knowing their ability and craftsmanship, that makes me very proud.” Catherine said, “I am so glad you like the work Boudreau. It has worked out very well for Horace loves working with your father at the shipyards. I believe it is possible they may purchase the fleet of ships that had belonged to Hollingsworth. Your father will be talking to Lucia about that. Horace wants the privilege of putting out to sea in the future, and is learning everything he can from your father and some of the other captains at the shipyards. It is obvious he is going to love the sea as Bow loved the sea.” Boudreau said, “I am glad it worked out this way. I felt guilty because the sea was never in my blood as it is in Dad’s. You wonder how a father and son can have such different interests.”
Boudreau kissed his mother and walked up the stairs to his bedroom. Catherine took the pitcher and glasses inside to the kitchen. As she stood at the sink washing the glassware, she felt another pang of guilt because she had chosen to hide the truth from Boudreau about Joshua Sallier being his biological father. Tomorrow she must talk to Bow about this matter. She turned off the downstairs lights and walked upstairs to their bedroom. She quietly walked into the room and could hear Bow softly snoring. She put on her gown, took down her long hair, and began to brush it out before she climbed into bed. Instinct caused Bow to reach for her, and pull her close to himself. He placed his arm around her and rested his hand in the hollow of her breast. She bent her head down and kissed the top of his hand.
To be continued...
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