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Subject: Jackie and Trish Read

Torrie Wilson
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Date Posted: 09:47:11 09/05/02 Thu

Torrie's music hits over the PA system as the Womens Champion walks out onto the ramp with someone by her side. The two women look at eachother and then slowly make their way down to the ring. They roll into the ring and Torrie is handed the mic from Lilan.

Torrie: Now on Raw next Monday I face Jackie Gayda for this title around my waist. Well Jackie you better be ready for the fight of your life cause I don't go down so easy. As for the person next to me I think you know her. Let me introduce my tag team partener. STACY KIEBLER!!!!!!!

Torrie hands the mic to Stacy who hands Torrie her crutchs.

Stacy: Now Jackie seeing as you broke my ankle I'm out of wrestling for a while. Six weeks to be exact. But when I can wrestle again me and Torrie are challenging you to those Tag Team Womens titles and trust me we won't loose.

Stacy hands the mic back to Torrie.

Torrie: Thats right Stacy we will kick their asses for those titles but on Monday I plan to start getting alittle revenge on what Jackie did to you. Now hit the music.

Instead of Torrie's theme music hits the NwO music hits and Torrie and Stacy hold up the 4life sign as they roll out of the ring and go up the ramp.
(ooc: sorry got bored during my 4th period class and decided to rp and Jackie or Trish reply to this plz.)

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