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Date Posted: 04:56:32 09/28/02 Sat
Author: Ziggy Stardust
Subject: : there's a starman, waiting in the sky :

*The day is perfectly lovely, as are most autumn days in the mountains. The air is clear, the sky a beautiful blue, and the temperature a bit brisk. The chestnut stallion emerges from the dense yet scattered clusters of pine trees, a previously unseen liveliness in his gait. His copper coat gleams for the first time in quite awhile, his oddly mismatched eyes retain a surprising vivacity. Stag fairly prances over the steep rocky incline, daggers digging into the dusty loam as he makes his way to the flat area outside his granite cave abode. Soft nicker is given as oculi set upon his beloved, muzzle extending to brush across femme's satin neck* Hello, my love. *Incisors rake across the mare's onyx coat, body angling as he grooms her, ridding pelt of natural impurities. Stud smiles warmly at her, mind awhirl. How overjoyed he is that she has fallen in love! Bronc's affection is great; he had even sworn of the hallucinogenic berries he was so fond of. And for what purpose? He wanted nothing, absolutely nothing, to disrupt their relationship, or their future family. In that frame of mind, musculature shifts, dial raising slightly to nude his true love* Darling .. would you like to have a foal? *Ivories nibble worriedly at lower lip, gaze cast downwards as he nervously awaits her response*

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