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Date Posted: 12:31:27 10/26/03 Sun
Author: Spirit/Matt
Subject: Spirit and Earthquake's Pups

We need dome people from the Am or any were else to role paly Spirit and Earthquake's Pups.

Here is their stats.(The Pups)
Name: Eclair
Nick Name: Lightning
Age: New Born
Gender: Male
Appearence: Looks just like his mother Spirit but has his father white swirls and has his fathers golden eyes.
Personality: Very shy, but is very optimistic about things. He hates to see people sad.
Parents: Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

Name: Fate
Nick Name: Destiny
Age: New Born
Gender: Female
Appearence: Is a light silver with crystal blue eyes.Has white paws.
Personality: Kind,loves to play with others,some times she can be stubbron,never realyy gets mad.She is funny and likes to joke around.Just like Spirit.
Parents: Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

Name: Ardain
Nick Name: Dark One
Age: New Born
Gender: Male
Appearence: He looks just like his father.
Personality: Just like his father, Earthquake, likes to joke around, and play. Somtimes plays pranks and jokes on people.
Parents: Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

Name: Etoile
Nick Name: Shooting Star
Age: New Born
Gender: Female
Appearence: Pure black with crysatl blue eyes.Also has wshite paws.
Personality: She loves to talk, and play with her family, but when around others, she is a little shy. She likes to tell jokes, and she mostly likes to play around with pup #3
Parents: Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

Name: Tourbillion
Nick Name: Whirl Wind
Age: New Born
Gender: Male
Appearence: Just like Earthquake but does not have any white swrils.
Personality: He's the wierd one. He loves to watch birds, and he is very sweet, kind, and loving. He loves to be around his motehr and father, and doesn't like to play with others, but he is very intelligent.
Parents:Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

Name: Sapan
Nick Name: Dream
Age: New Born
Gender: Female
Appearence: A whiteish silver with golden orbs.Has black tip on tail.
Personality: She is very stubborn, and doesn't like to listen to her parents, but sometimes, she can be very sweet and kind. She loves to play with all the pups, and be the leader. The only pup she doesn't like to play with is Pup #5.
Parents:Spirit(Mother) and Earthquake(Father)

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