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Subject: A proposition

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Date Posted: 19:29:45 12/07/02 Sat


My name is Sadie and I am an Administrator for a MUD called Vespertine. A MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) is a place where a number of interested parties can connect over the internet, to role-play various fantasy characters; be that through talking, interacting in adventures, hunting together, or trying to kill each other :P The MUDing community is extremely large and diverse, spread throughout the world in thousands of individual MUDs.
Every room, creature and object in a MUD requires a description, and in Vespertine we are committed to providing detailed, well-crafted representations. This is where we feel your talents could be applied. As a fantasy writer, you are the perfect candidate for our literary requirements, from writing the descriptions I previously mentioned, to scribing detailed accounts of historic events. Vespertine is not currently open to the public, as the world, and the coding behind it, is currently being created. If you chose to aid us, your role would be as a 'Builder', a weaver and designer of the world.

If this email has aroused your curiosity, please contact me at sadielurve@hotmail.com, and I will be more than happy to discuss this offer further with you, and answer any queries you may have. We would also appreciate you forwarding this email to any other parties you feel may be interested.

Many thanks for your time; I look forward to hearing from you,
Sadie Love.

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