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Date Posted: 21:39:08 09/14/03 Sun
Author: Kal VII
Subject: Kal's Random Suggetions
In reply to: Lucavian/Sue/Danomus 's message, "Question: Book of Knowledge (HoF)" on 21:06:40 09/14/03 Sun

I'd say a suggested leveling range guide may be a cool thing

A thing I like to add are those random anchient tidbits of
Truth and justice that only the real old players remember and know about

stuff like -
what to motes do,
Where the hell are the casinos
what do I do with _______ random items

I basically get these questions most often, and the answer I often times have to give is, go to maggies...

ooo there is an idea, URL's for helpful sites!

A copy of the general rules of the clan might be slightly useful - even if summarized

lets see thats all I can think of for now me tired.

Kal out

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[> Re: Question: Book of Knowledge (HoF) -- reah, 07:18:37 09/15/03 Mon [1]

some helpful stuff might be:

what are some good places to level smaller toons (for new people) and where the good places to go for different types of toon's (ex. i wont take a mage to the dark lair as a lvl 1 but i will take a melee or archer there)

also might be good to have where the good places are for bigger toons to go and try and find fellows or hunt alone or were u can go for sing's (or the troves) or where the good exp is (solo or alone) and the good loot or certain salvage is

all i can think of right now

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