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Date Posted: 14:07:46 05/23/03 Fri
Author: Snow Lepard
Subject: Uberness/Class/ Attitude

Last evening the land of Dereth, province of Thisledown, House of Fire, and our Monarcial Queen, Hailene reach Super Uberdum at the Lacuna Dungeon (Devastaor +100 Lvl.). Prior to her event we went with her as she turned in several Gaerlan swords and was about 4 swords short of the 126 multi-colored light show, present were fellow clannners Rashima (FW II), Aerial Xbower (Hyabusa), Kal II, Subatie, and myself. So we were off to do Gaerlans 80+ quest for a few more swords and xp, Kal II wasnt feeling very well and had to bow out or he certainly would have been there. It wasnt pretty, three of us died under the squishing sounds of the rolling balls of death, I will mention no names to save me some embarrasement, errr ack, dunno I dont think that came out right. After some initial puffing up chest by me at some members of another clan there doing the quest with a full fellow (storyline to follow laters), we all kill the golem and we were off and eventually finished the quest, and handed our swords off to Hailene. So off to turn in her swords to finish off the necessary xp's for entrance into 126 elite, but alas she was still about 4 million xp short. Well it was decided to hit the Devastator Tusker Dungeon and the Tusk turn in would definately put her over the top. While at the Lacuna dungeon (level+100) Hailene reach the ultimate high of levels 126. In the presence of Rashima, Ariel, Subatie and myself she exploded into Super Uberdum with fanfare and the brilliant light show reserved for those who make this ultimate plateau of skill levels.
Join me in a very well deserved clan-wide Congratulations for Hailene for her accomplishment, no small feat, known to those of us striving to reach the same goal. Those who dont know her very well, she is a passionate dedicated gamer ready to lend a helping hand to one and all. At the same time, however, you could not find a more game huntress in a fire fight with uber critters. I know this first hand and have seen her onslought, it can be fierce, focused, and multi faceted with killing blows while aleternatly casting at times much neededhealing and stamina to her fellow members. Yah she realized one of her ingame goals and in doing so, added a touch of class with an attitude to the realm of the Super Ubers. I know many who stand with and by her, I am proud to let her know I am here and willing to do the same.
So fellow clanners if you see Hailene (Shy) give her a hiyas and a well done she deserves it.
One last comment I have been fortunate to have played and continue to play with several great and very close, long standing friends or several years, my first Hero is my patron Slortar the Old, a grand person in RL as well as in game,he got me into the game and after several years of playing he is still there for me if and when i need him. My first fellow Hero was Gorbadoc aka "Mikeeman", a guy with a great sense of humor and heart of gold, who taught me if you are going to die do it well, which I might add he perfected it to an art form, dying well that is, lol. And now we three are associated with a monarchy and close nit group of Heros one and all, it started as luck would have it in the Tusker Holding with Rashima (FW II), running a fellow I joined and just happen to strike up a great conversation which led us to join this fine group of tooner/gamers. So in closing I salute Hailene and wish her well and hope to see you all ingame.
Oh and forgive any typo's or misnakes for I not the best typest in the world, but i am gabby lol

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[> Re: Uberness/Class/ Attitude -- Happymoe, 14:27:35 05/23/03 Fri [1]

Grats Shy! I wish I could have been there! One day I'll join you in uberness.

Grats again,


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[> [> Re: Uberness/Class/ Attitude -- Hailene, 19:31:40 05/23/03 Fri [1]

Ohhhh thats so sweet Snow thank you and thanks moe....never had anyone make a write up about me before. Thansk again Snow,Sub,Hya, and Steve for the Garlen Swords they gave and for helping me get the last few million to lvl. It was one of my goals to get to 126 and now i can sit back and enjoy my toon and her uberness.....btw have you seen my new number??? huh huh??

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[> Re: Uberness/Class/ Attitude -- Randy, 19:39:18 05/23/03 Fri [1]

Grats Shy, wish i was there.

Snow that was very nice of you as well :)

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