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Date Posted: 08:24:28 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Kal
Subject: Kal's random thoughts...
In reply to: Randy/The Addiction II 's message, "The Mule Chain" on 19:18:58 05/25/03 Sun


since I've invested more then a lil' time into the chain, I'mma give my oppion here too

While I see your point that it isn't fair that people have more then one mule on it, I do see the reason it is nessicary, and that is for the tinks...

its really hard for someone to have 500 weapon, 500 armor 420 magic item (cut off point) and 500 item all on one character, math matically....

as for characters that are playable and in the chain, I made up a template that has all tradeskills, leadership/loyality and crossbow specialized... is he a trade character? yep, can he level on his own? Kinda... its VERY difficult to do it, with no melee or magics, but in a pinch for xp I could take him out... should this character be removed? up to you, I mean in all fairness all my other characters are pushing up to him, through 3-4 other characters and 2 are 50+.

I kinda agree though that a character that has no tradeskills, shouldn't really be in the chain at all unless, maybe if they are a mansion buff bot...

well thats my 2p

~The Kal

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[> Re: The Mule Chain -- Hailene, 11:45:15 05/26/03 Mon [1]

umm question...i thought the chain was ONLY for trade mules?? I think that was what was decided b4 it was made. Maybe im confused but i think that was what the steve had wanted was only a trade mule chain and no one geting xp's from it but trade mules. Not some gimped up charater who cant hunt for it self.

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