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Date Posted: 13:14:46 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Fire Warrior II/Steve
Subject: Re: The Mule Chain
In reply to: Randy/The Addiction II 's message, "The Mule Chain" on 19:18:58 05/25/03 Sun

I am only going to make one comment on this thread then i'm going to pretend its not here. Hyabusa has and who he chooses to help him have FULL control over this chain. Hya knows my stipulations for allowing this chain and any concerns should be brought to him. The mule chain is outside of normal clan functions and the council and myself will only deal with the chain unless absolutly neccessary. "If" the trades mule chain starts causing intence internal problems within the clan i will dissasemble it. I want a happy productive clan not a fighting pissed off resentfull clan. I know this hasnt gotten out of hand yet but i can see there possably being problems. I hope you all can discuss this is a mature debate without calling anyone down. I will be watching how things progress on this but i wont be apart of it unless absolutly neccessary.

Fire Warrior II

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[> Re: The Mule Chain -- Hya, 14:10:00 05/26/03 Mon [1]

>OK i dont want to cause a ruckus but i can understand
>why steve wanted out of organizing this, hya, you have
>been doin a great job and it is apreciated. Please
>ignore the spelling im not the greatest :)
>First off i want to ask how many mules should one
>person have in the chain, i think the fewer the better
>cause really if you have a mule that you want to be a
>tinker and alchemy and cooking, then you only need one
>toon to do it and a mule shouldnt be able to fight for
>itself thats why its a mule, and thats why we have
>pushers. Also if one person has 1 or maybe 2 toons in
>chain then the passup can be greater for everyone
>I want to see the discussion on this before i make any
>further comments thanks

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