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Date Posted: 15:37:35 05/26/03 Mon
Author: Hya
Subject: Re: The Mule Chain
In reply to: Randy/The Addiction II 's message, "The Mule Chain" on 19:18:58 05/25/03 Sun

OK. Here's my input on this. I know I have multiple toons in this chain. I also have 3 accounts. I do not intend on switching accounts dozens of times to get something done. Therefore I make tinks and cooks on each account. I can understand 2 toons in chain because as Kal stated, it is very hard to have 1 char to do everything. Another thing is that I already had all of mine and Lucavians toons chained together that are in chain. They are still needed where they are for level reasons. This was dicussed before mule chain was ever made by Fire. I also listed that some could hunt. This doesn't mean they can go out and hunt like normal. It means they can go out like with a fellow. Say like for pincers and such. It is my fault for not specifying that and I apologize. Every toon of mine in chain is a tink, cook or buff bot. The chain is for trade/tink mules. This is true. I also feel that if someone has a toon that is going to be a buff bot, but can't hunt, some help is needed. At the same time, once skills are high enough, that toon should exit chain. Opinions can be made on that point if anyone has any.

Another thing is that if you have a pusher you MUST and I mean MUST have it at the lowest point in chain possible for maximum xp passed thru chain. This was stated when chain was first made also. You can not have your pusher sworn to your mule's vassal!!

I understand that everyone wants the most xp going to their mule as possible, but the point of the chain is for everyone to get maximum xp going to mules.

XP is a little slow at the moment, but everyone is geting higher levels on pushers which will produce more xp for mules, so just be patient.

That is all.
Thank you


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[> Re: The Mule Chain -- John/To many toons to list, 21:10:23 05/30/03 Fri [1]

I would like to say one thing is that i have two trades in the chain and one pusher but any toon that is abive zizzler will get xp because all my other toons feed him i have not played in a week so its like i not doing any work right now been working alot. but i plan on play more soon when i start leave for 2 weeks

well take care guys

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