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Date Posted: 14:11:15 06/09/03 Mon
Author: Lucavian & Hyabusa Presents
Subject: Queen's Quest

Ok due to positive response about doing the Queen's Quest I am making a further posting about it. I am the point of contact on this as I have found us several willing helpers from other monarchies to do this.

This is the way it will work as far as doing the quest itself.

This is not a post for a specific quest time. It is just a post for those people that are 70+ who wish to get the queen kill AND have 5 characters that are level 35+ that can be logged out at the rings either early the day of or the night before the QQ is scheduled. If you cannot provide your own bell droppers, then you must speak to your friends INGAME and get them to commit to doing it for you. JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION...Hya and myself are willing to supply as many bells as we can. But at the same time we would appreciate anyone else willing to gather bells to help. You can find info on maggies. So this means that your main character can go to the dungeons to collect the bell pieces, assemble them, and then give them to your characters that will actually be doing the drops.

We...meaning Twiggy Ramirez, Hyabusa, Briel, & myself, are willing to help your mules by giving them an escort to the rings if need be. But YOU are responsible for all the arrangements to get the droppers in place with the bells well in advance of the kickoff time for the quest if you are going to get the kill. There is a 21 day timer on the dropper that will prevent him/her from entering the Timaru portal, THEREFORE, your character that is getting the kill cannot be a bell dropper on that quest.

Twiggy Ramirez, Hyabusa, Briel, & myself are the leaders that will run the quest. If you want us to take you on the quest you must adhere to the following rules:

1. Provide your bell droppers
2. Listen and do what we say throughout the quest
3. The Queen head turn in will be a fellowship turn in. That means that the 40 million exp points recieved will be split up amongst the people that go on the quest. If someone that goes on the quest has a lower level character that they would like to substitute for themselves(50+), that is allowed but that toon MUST be at Timaru already by the end of the quest. Their will be a mule from the mule chain(lowest 50+) in the fellowship for turn-in. This is because the main purpose for this is to push the mules so that we have the best darned mules in all of Dereth. After all thats the whole point of having them chained.

Those are the rules. There aren't many as you can see but if you cannot accept the rules then you will have to find someone else to take you on the quest.

We have done this quest enough to know that it can be a fairly easy and fun event OR it can turn out badly with the possibilty of the kill not being obtained.

When we tell you NOT TO MOVE ANYMORE. We mean


If someone moves once the true queen arrives, she will go MELEE and attack the group...we will portal out. There are no guarantees that you will be able to complete the quest at that point. There is a way to do it, but it will be our decision if we feel that we can do it with the people that we have or if we can round up others that we trust to help us complete the quest.

So, sign up here if you want to kill the Olthoi Queen. We will set a Quest time and then you will be expected to get the droppers to the drop spots well in advance that day or the night before if they are mules.

For those interested here is the link on Maggies about the Queen's Quest:


Also we will be trying to assist the higher levels in the monarchy on how to lead the quest so that we can get more people doing the quests and get people their kills if they can not be on at the same time as the current quest leaders. Since i have alot of friends in other monarchies i will ask them if they are willing to help us out.

Thats the bottom line, cause Luc and Hya say so.

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[> Re: Queen's Quest -- Happymoe, 19:13:28 06/09/03 Mon [1]

I wouldn't be able to commit the time to the quest for myself until fall/winter. I am willing to help someone else complete the quest. I check the boards at least twice a week, leave a message here if you need my characters to help out. Happymoe is 92, Happy Mage is just over 40. Hope I can help, Moe

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[> Re: Queen's Quest -- Randy, 17:04:51 06/10/03 Tue [1]

***THEREFORE, your character that is getting the kill cannot be a bell dropper on that quest.***

Actually your main can be a bell dropper if you get the kill cause the people in timaru will be so happy you killed the queen they will let you in, i know cause i did it that way, maybe they changed it and that probably happened, but when i did it Add II was a bell dropper

oh and i have 4 chars that can be droppers and would be willing to help anyone on this quest, ive already been a slayer so i dont think i can do it again :(


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[> Re: Queen's Quest -- John, 17:34:01 06/10/03 Tue [1]

I will be checking today to see about getting the bell and u can use all my toons that r lvl 35 to be droppers

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