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Date Posted: 19:50:53 06/12/03 Thu
Author: Randy
Subject: Scrolls I have to give away or trade for the ones i need :)

Creature 7
Scroll of Anadil's Blessing
Scroll of Anadil's Boon
Scroll of Ar-Pei's Blessing 3 of them
Scroll of Asmolum's Blessing 2x
Scroll of Asmolum's Blessing
Scroll of Aura of Defense 2x
Scroll of Barnar's Blessing 3x
Scroll of Bolstered Will 4x
Scroll of Calming Gaze
Scroll of Celdiseth's Blessing
Scroll of Evaporate Creature Magic Self
Scroll of Gertarh's Boon
Scroll of Hamud's Blessing 3x
Scroll of Lilitha's Blessing 2x
Scroll of Might of the Lugians 2x
Scroll of Oswald's Blessing
Scroll of Saladur's Blessing 2x
Scroll of Senescence
Scroll of Silencia's Boon 3x
Scroll of Topheron's Blessing

item 7

Scroll of Astyrrian's Bane 3x
Scroll of Brogard's Defiance 2x
Scroll of Elysa's Sight 3x
Scroll of Gelidite's Bane 2x
Scroll of Swordsman's Bane

life 7

Scroll of Adja's Gift 2x
Scroll of Archer's Gift
Scroll of Battlemage's Blessing
Scroll of Blessing of the Arrow Turner
Scroll of Boon of the Mace Turner
Scroll of Caustic Blessing
Scroll of Fiery Boon 4x
Scroll of Gift of Vitality 2x
Scroll of Gossamer Flesh
Scroll of Storm's Blessing
Scroll of Tusker's Gift

War 7

Scroll of Cameron's Curse
Scroll of Cassius' Ring of Fire
Scroll of Crushing Shame
Scroll of Disintegration
Scroll of Horizon's Blades
Scroll of Ilservian's Flame 2x
Scroll of Infernae
Scroll of Lhen's Flare
Scroll of Rending Wind
Scroll of Sizzling Fury
Scroll of Sudden Frost
Scroll of The Spike

if you need any of these type it here and then i can get them to ya thanks

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