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Date Posted: 15:29:59 06/16/03 Mon
Author: Snow Lepard
Subject: Uberdom has yet another member Gorbadoc LvL 126

Yup, Uberdom had a new member added to their ranks early this morning, Gorbadoc of H.O.F. made his 126 with the supreme efforts and dying exploits of a number of well intention clan mates.
We are fortunate to have Gorb as one of our fellow clanners, aside from being a seasoned battle mage of the first order, he has a heart as big and as generous as any I have seen since I have been playing. I was born on the 13th day of Sept. 2001, at 12:58 in the early morning hours. I met Gorbadoc thru one of his first toons with my patron Slortar the old, the very next day i believe, this toons name was Mikeeman and his side kick The Shady One, were Dereths version of the Lone Ranger and his faithful indian companion Tonto. Mikeeman was a dagger toon and Shady was a bowest, and if you saw one the other was not far away, and that is where the similarity ended. This guy Mikeeman and Shady took me and Slortar the old out hunting quite a bit and I was on the recieving end of several key pieces of equipment for them over the next few months.
Gorbadoc's (Mikeeman) was singularly the one who taught me that if you gonna die do with style. This is a sample of a Mikeeman art of dying chapter I, We are at Sanctuary and went down the steps and around to the right cross the pond with the lilly pads and came to this rushing waterfall. Now we can see little orange dots at the bottom, and i can see Mikeeman's wheels turning and we all saying should we jump and pray or just find another way down. Well that was all it took was someone to say should we jump, the tv version: I'm not going to try it, followed by welll, I'm not going to try it, I know lets get Mikee to try it he will try anything; definately holds true here.. Well I looked at Slortar and Shady and turned around to say lets find another way down to Mikeeman and his space was vacant, and i could hear him on his way down saying, " its a loooonnnng way doooownnn tooooo the botttoooommm oooooh nooooooooSPLAT. You know the sound a flat rock makes when it hits a mud puddle perfectly. Well that was the sound of Mikeeman hitting bottom, follow by the tell tale that Mikeeman has died, then followed up with Mikeeman saying "hehehe dont jump find another way down". After a while all the critters in Thisledown knew of Mikeeman and seem to wait on him anytime he showed himself, he was a critter marked man. If a dozen toons all the same lvl all of them daggermen and wearing the same color armor they would single out Mikeeman and start a course, to the little critter toons, on the art of Slice and Dice with Mikeeman as the center piece of the instruction. Mikeeman would run into a crowd of critters with arms in the air and roaring all the way into the middle of them, and it would scare the heck out of them until they turned around and saw who it was, "awwww its only Mikeeman and proceeded to turn around and perform slice and dice again until a bunch of them and Mikeeman lay in a pile and he coming back saying I almost got um... This dude died alot but he also wax more critters and any two his same level, and was one of Thisledowns best know explorers with Shady One his side kick. He always had time for me and Slortar and was a moutain of information and was always bringing us a surprise from some far reaching place that sounded like it was at the other end of the world. We became fast friends and helped each other thru some RL delimas, we have mothers that are kindred spirits, and I will always have a smile and set special place for Gorbadoc ie (Mikeeman) he is a true champion and one of my heros in this game. I salute you bro, you like Fire/Steve said deserved the spot that was reserved for you at the HOF LvL 126 round table.. You are sitting in the company of some of the games best gamers, Slortar the old will probably be the next one to join, and hopefully I will be worthy one day to sit at that table of Superuberness with a group of Toons I have grown to have immense respect and admiration for.......
So fellow clanners give him a hiyas and a well done when you see him, knowing he is a shining example of the quality of gamers we have in our Monarchy headed by Fire Warrior II and Hailene, King and Queen alike....

SALUTE :oÞ hehe
Snow Lepard

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