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Date Posted: 09:05:54 07/06/03 Sun
Author: Llama :/
Subject: Re: Meginjarder
In reply to: Llama :/ 's message, "Meginjarder" on 19:26:56 07/05/03 Sat

Everything's done, including the quest feature. The only thing left is to distribute the updated meginjarder.xml to the masses. I updated the quest section with some more user friendly notes on how to add quests successfully (like setting up your gmtoffset so that the server knows the date/time the quest will be, as well as adding an example).

FWII when you start using the thing I'll set you up as magistrate, it gives you access to do anything. You can setup other people to be xpchainmanagers or quest managers or whatever you want.. All it really gives people is access to like, delete a quest they don't like.

The llamas are working with php for the first time, and loving it!
Llama :/

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[> Re: Meginjarder -- Llama :/, 09:39:04 07/06/03 Sun [1]

OOPS! Just realized I made a booboo with those urls, that is the internal ip, you guys can't get to it.. Hehehe

I also realized that the stupid ip updates every once in a while, so I went and got a free dynamic dns routy thing. So when the DNS crap all kicks in (I think it takes up to 24 hours for DNS entries to populate worldwide) everyone should be able to get to everything using this:

http://goat.servehttp.com/plugin/pluginserver/ <- entry for meginjarder.xml

http://goat.servehttp.com/plugin/clanstats/clanstats.php?xpchain=1 <- to see clanstats

http://goat.servehttp.com/plugin/pluginserver/megatree.php <- to see megatree

The llamas are new to this
Llama :/

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