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Date Posted: 17:26:14 08/02/03 Sat
Author: Fire Warrior II/Steve
Subject: Forest fire took my internet out so no meeting

Heya guys, theres a forest fire outside of town that took the cable lines out so i have no internet till they can get the fire out and put new lines up. Snow Lepard you have allegiance chat access, can you please put a message up for me stating that i'm not able ot get into the game and direct them to the web site for more info on the situation. I'm at my old mans house right now using his puter since his DSL wasnt affected by the forest fire. I dont know how long i'll be gone for but you can probably anticipate a week or two maybe longer. I'll come to my dads on occassion to check in and say heya and see whats up. Needless to say the clan meeting tommorow (sunday) is officialy cancelled until further notice. Sorry guys not a whole lot i can do. Snow i'd appreciate you doing that for me. Leave it up for at least 2 or 3 days for me and then feel free to change the message of the day for events as needed. Just please make sure the clan www addy is in the motd at all times, i gave my word to Kal VII that it would allways be there.


Until i return Snow Lepard is acting monarch. Anything he says goes and he has FULL say in ALL clan matters. His Second will be Parq, anything they say/do is the same as me saying/doing it. So if Snow Lepard isnt available Parq will be handling things.

Snow to check the message of the day type in /motd and to set the motd type in /motd set *insert text here*. As well if need be snow i can give you access to my account. I dont have a email addy available to me right now but let me know on the boards here and i can send you the info via my old mans puter..... may need it if you need to boot someone from the clan ect ect. I trust you and parq will keep things in line while i am gone. Good luck guys and dont let John Warlock push you around!!! hehehe. Talk at yas later and i'll check back in a bit.

Fire Warrior II/Steve

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