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Subject: Re: zafira should i get dual fuel or diesel

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Date Posted: 18:37:06 09/26/03 Fri
In reply to: alan taylor 's message, "zafira should i get dual fuel or diesel" on 13:22:27 03/31/03 Mon

I had a Vectra dual fuel for a year 2 years ago. Dual fuel system was a real problem for the first 3 months with the gas distributer (dizzy) being replaced 2 times.
Onece the running was sorted it was superb. No notable loss of power BUT a massive loss in economy when running on gas.
I used to get about 28-30 MPG on petrol but less than 20 on gas..I do drive quite hard though.

I have had a Citroen picasso 2.0HDI diesel and now a Zafira 2.0DTI since the Vectra and IMO I'd go for the Diesel every time.

BIG down side to the LPG car is the lack of fuel outlets. I drove home (doncaster) from London along the A1 at 10pm and found all the filling stations that stocked LPG were shut.
If Vauxhall passed on the tax credit given by the government for LPG conversions and made the car with a bigger LPG tank (20 gallons)I may be swayed back into a dual fuel at the next swap..but I do like derv.

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