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Subject: Re: UPDATE - Oil consumption and engine management light

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Date Posted: 15:07:34 03/23/04 Tue
In reply to: Phil 's message, "Re: UPDATE - Oil consumption and engine management light" on 15:01:19 03/13/04 Sat

Took the Zaffy back to the dealer. Dropped her off in the morning expecting her to be there all day. Got a call an hour later to say the car was ready. On collecting the car, I was informed by an embarrased looking service receptionist that the recently fitted vacuum sensor simply needed "adjusting", and there would be no charge.

Nearly 1000 miles later, and she's running like a dream.

P.S. Still looking for comments from anyone who's had their Zaffy (or any other X20DTL powered Vauxhall) chipped. I'm seriously considering a chip from UPsolute. I do a lot of motorway miles and I could use the extra pull when overtaking.

>It seems my happiness was a little premature. A little
>over 3 months now since the air flow sensor was
>replaced, and the engine management light is back with
>a vengance.
>Problem started again last week. Every time I come to
>a stop at a set of lights or junction, there it is,
>mocking me, with the usual loss of power, making
>emerging into busy traffic very dangerous. After
>moving off and travelling a few hundred yards, the
>light goes out and the power kicks in.
>My Vauxhall dealer cleaned the throttle linkage
>(£100), but I only managed 58 miles before the light
>was on again. Next they replaced the vacuum sensor
>(£135). This time I managed about 100 miles before the
>light was back.
>Oh well, back to the dealer on Monday morning. On the
>plus side, they do have a fantastic coffee machine.
>After spending nearly £440 I think I'm entitled to a
>few cups.
>>I've had an X reg 2.0Di 16V Zafira as a company car
>>for the last 6 months, and I'm having the 2 common
>>problems; oil consumption and the engine management
>>The oil consumption I can live. Prior to the Zafira I
>>had a Renault Laguna 1.8 petrol that used almost as
>>much oil. However, Renault had the decency to put a
>>sticker inside the windscreen warning the driver that
>>the car used oil and to check the level at every
>>The engine management light came on for the first time
>>recently, accompanied by a huge drop in power. I took
>>the car straight to a local dealer (after rebooting
>>the engine several times to get me there), who
>>diagnosed a faulty air flow sensor which they replaced
>>that day - total bill £204.
>>It feels like a new car! Being my first diesel car,
>>and the original 82BHP 2.0Di version at that, I'd
>>always thought the pathetic performance was just to be
>>expected. I'd come to accept that when revving hard in
>>second gear, the power would just drop away at about
>>3000rpm, and that the humblest of hills would always
>>represent something of a challenge.
>>However, with the new air flow sensor fitted, not only
>>is the engine management light a thing of the past,
>>but the acceleration is comparable to my old 1.8
>>petrol Laguna, I can even get it up to the red line if
>>I choose, and hills are no longer an obstacle.
>>With hindsight, it would seem the air flow sensor has
>>always been faulty, but the engine management light
>>just brought it to my attention.
>>The moral of the story? I'm not sure really. But all
>>those folk with engine management light problems,
>>might be worth getting your air flow sensor checked
>>P.S. I'm now so happy with my Zafira (oil consumption
>>aside) that I'm considering having it chipped. If any
>>one has any experience of this, I'd welcome your

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