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Subject: Zafira 2.0 DTI Elegance - accident experience - Family Car ????'

Vasco Albano
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Date Posted: 06:24:11 11/03/04 Wed

Zafira 2.0 DTI Elegance.

Best Family car around ?????? – Read this.

I am a telecommunications engineer working in Portugal for the last 5 months. Here they gave a this Zafira to drive with and said itīs a great car.

Well this is my experience and hope that it does not happen to any one else.
- Oil consumption is a problem.
- Arm rest broke twice.
Had a accident travelling at least 55 miles /h car approx. 90km/h. Hit the central concrete barrier with the front of the car, car rolled onto the passenger side and went sliding on itīs side for over 20meters, the local policeman measured the distance. This is what happened using the seat belt.
- No air bag opened. Hit my forehead on the steering wheel when the car crashed with itīs front. When the car rolled onto the passenger side I hit with my ribs on the dash board and my head on the wind screen, cracked the windscreen.
- When the passenger window broken from all the sliding my jacket was caught by the road tar and I was being pulled out from under the car. Managed to get hold of the steering wheel and hold myself it the car.
- The car came to a stand still there was smoke coming into the car with a horrible chemical smell leaving me weak. Smoke was so intense that I could not see anything and had to feel my way about. Finally managed to find the wind switch and get out the driver window. Dealer says the smoke could be radiator coolant that feel on the motor while the motor was hot.

Complained to a Opel dealer in Portugal about the air bags not opening. Opel here say “it depends on the impact”.

Three weeks have pasted and I still have bruises and have to do medical exames. Portuguese say I was lucky that it could be worse, no way it could be much less if the safety features worked properly.

I have pictures of the car that I can send out. I have wrote to Opel here 5 days ago, no reply yet.

I thank God that I did not have my family with.

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