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Subject: Re: Vauxhall Zafira 2.0 DI

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Date Posted: 10:30:19 01/22/05 Sat
In reply to: Carl Gill 's message, "Vauxhall Zafira 2.0 DI" on 03:10:21 01/20/05 Thu

dont do it...
I know nothing of the zarira but i speak as an ex taxi owner driver, the reason any de-commisioned taxi/private hire car is being sold is because it has reached the time where it is not economical to carry on using it for the purpose it was bought... ie its costong lots of money all the time to repair.
Between you and me and anyone else who visits this page the reality is its probably done a hell of a lot more miles, the dear tax man wants x amount of money return per mile and as most taxi owners like to "cream a little or a lot off the top" the speedo is wound back, not to be sold on but for the taxi mot as the taxman has acess to this and therefore would question the self employed persons books.
I have kept many of my ex taxi's and they all cause problems so if you want to listen to someone that knows the motor trade and who was a taxi driver leave it well alone...

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