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Subject: Zafira Petrol Engine Oil Consumption

Jeremy Bedford
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Date Posted: 05:04:51 07/30/05 Sat

I supplied a 1.6 Zafira for a customer who was looking for a people carrier. The engine management light was on so a lambda sensor was replaced, as per the code reading. It had also just had a CAT. The customer reported the car had gone into safe mode at 60mph, when they put their foot down. Fault code read knock sensor, so that was replaced. Then same problem, code said knock sensor again, and fault not known. Mechanic said car had no oil in it (again)(I thought the customer was just slack, but they have only done 1000 miles max). Vauxhall could not find a fault on their Tech 2 test. I am picking the car up today and will be asking a few questions!!! Car is a 51 plate 2002 with 40k on clock. When I booked it in, funnily enough the woman at reception said, have you checked the oil as it triggers the knock sensor, which tells me this is something common. Test drove the car after picking it up, its quiet, no smoke, no back pressure, so I assume the oil is clogging the CAT. Next task is to monitor the oil use, over a longer period. I will let you know. Jez Bedford

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