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Raymond Durrans
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Date Posted: 12:47:28 06/29/07 Fri
In reply to: KEV PUDE 's message, "ZAFIRA FAULTS" on 13:42:14 01/14/04 Wed

my engine managment light comes on then off quite regularly any ideas
>my March 2001 2.0L DTI.
>Oil Consumption-despite having covered 40k miles
>consumption is still circa 1L every 1000 miles. I
>mention it at every service but dealer states this is
>Sqeaky brakes- noticed a squeak coming from the rear
>so must check this out; however no pads, back or
>front, replaced since new.
>Engine failed to Start - Problem occurred after second
>service when car was parked facing up a slope. Called
>AA (after upgrading cover at a cost of £99 to include
>homestart as 3 year Vauxhall warranty only provides
>full AA cover for the first year!) who after flogging
>the starter motor for a couple of minutes got it to
>start. The technician said there was probably air in
>the system. Took it back to the dealer who replaced
>some rubber return pipes which had apparently
>perished. Not sure if this was true or if they just
>failed to bleed the system properly when changing the
>fuel filter. With regard to the cost of upgrading the
>AA cover, after a bit of complaining, the dealer and
>Vauxhall went 50/50 and refunded me in full.
>Engine Management Light - Started coming on just after
>a cold start (mileage 38k). Glowplugs replaced under
>warranty and cured the problem.
>Engine hesitates/misses a beat when cold - mentioned
>at last service and during engine management light
>investigations but dealer can't find anything wrong.
>Must pursue the matter as warranty runs out in March.
>Squeaky Drivers Seat - Seat creaks and groans
>particularly on twisty roads. Took it back several
>times in the first year and dealer eventually replaced
>seat. However, problem has since returned. Have also
>noticed the same problem on an Astra I recently hired;
>must be a poor seat design.
>Turbocharger Gasket-The gasket between the
>turbocharger and inlet manifold weeps oil. Has been
>replaced twice but oil is starting to appear again.
>General Comment - Despite all the above niggles the
>Zafira is a very practical car. Its offers a
>commanding view of the road and makes loading the kids
>into their car seats easy. The flex 7 seating is novel
>and we've shifted everything from garden rubbish to a
>double bed and a fridge.

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Subject Author Date
Re: ZAFIRA FAULTSALFRED GEORGE DAVIS (Sort of disappointed)02:55:55 11/20/07 Tue

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