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Subject: Excessive oil usage - a case from history

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Date Posted: 08:08:11 08/07/07 Tue

I had a Peugeot 405 diesel that I believed was using an awful lot of oil from new (about 1litre per 1000miles). Being a high mileage company car I complained about the excessive oil consumption and the supposed tappet rattle at every service and was always fobbed off by the dealer who stated that he'd informed Customer Services in Coventry and was awaiting a response from them. At the last service prior to the warranty running out, I demanded to see the service manager and got his assurance that the matter would be resolved once they had received a technical instruction from Peugeot. Imagine my surprise when a few weeks later my car was called in for rectification work. It had all new dry liners, pistons and rings fitted as there was a whole batch of engines produced with the wrong size liners but they would only rectify those that had complained once the warranty had expired for the whole batch. The tappet rattle I experienced was actually piston slap.

Don't be too open minded, your brains may fall out!

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