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Subject: Zafria Oil and Braking Problems

Julie Lloyd
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Date Posted: 09:22:00 11/13/02 Wed

I have bad experiences of both loss of power & braking system. Car will just lose all power for no apparent reason both on Motorways and Urban traffic, several times almost causing accidents. Vauxhall put the loss of power down to me not keeping the oil filled up - Vauxhall now say I should put 1lt per 1000 miles (but the oil light never comes on) only the 'spanner light' after the power loss. Buying diesel oil is a very expensive preventative action for me not Vauxhall when I do 20,000 miles a year. I have had 4 new cars in the past and have never had to check oil this frequently - usually each service is enough yet Vauxhall claim this car only needs a service ever 20,000 miles??

Braking system has had fault from almost new when handbrake failed. Vauxhall tightened and it failed again almost causing a serious accident, once it caused bodywork damage after hitting a wall and the second time started rolling off with my 4 week old baby inside just after I got out of the car!. Vauxhall replaced the rear callipers. Car started making grinding noise when going round corners or braking in reverse. Vauxhall changed the rear caillpers & discs again, stating they had started to bind onto the discs. Within 3 weeks noise was back, Vauxhall changed the rear discs again. 3 weeks on the noise is back - another trip to Vauxhall due.

Main concern is I have a 1 and 3 year old in the car with me most of the time and I do not feel safe.

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