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Subject: Zafira Oil

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Date Posted: 10:54:45 12/02/02 Mon

ust found your site and have read with interest. Also have a the 2.0DTI and whilst space and practibility are excellent and perhaps easier to live with than our previous Galaxy, also a diesel, (impracticable rear seat arrangements) the engine does cause concern.

My wife drives this car most of the time and has reported/experienced power loss problems. At first I put this down to perhaps 'turbo lag'. Since August 2002 the car has refused to start 3 times:

1. Attempting to leave the ferry en route to France (very embarrassing - but started with the assistance of jump leads and yes all electricals to caravan were disconnected !) 2. Refused to start the first really cold morning of October - breakdown people came and hey presto - car started first time. 3. Couple of weeks ago - refused to start again. RAC diagnosed problem with ECU - got car started and took to local dealership. Dealership cannot find problem with ECU, said the oil was too low. Dealership retains car for 5 days and still cannot find anything wrong but advises checking and topping up oil every 1000 miles.

I appreciate that it is common sense to check oil, water, trye pressures etc. on a weekly basis - but to have to add oil on a regular basis (every 1000 miles) bearing in mind todays technological advances really does make me wonder.

Having had a number of Japanese (Datsun/Nissan and Toyota) cars albeit petrol rather than diesel variants, and have been completely satisifed with them, I think that anyone considering buying a used Zafira should think very carefully about the possible consequences of what must be some technological flaw in the design of the engine.

Whilst the second hand value of diesel variants seems to attract a premium, it will be interesting to see what dealers (both franchised and independents) do with used prices on the forecouts up and down the country. Perhaps even more interesting will be the repsonses when asked what about the oil consumption and possible likely huge repair bills as a result of not too diligent and regular inspections and maintenance.

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