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Subject: Vauxhall say its fixed - 24th March 2003

Non-Zafira Owner
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Date Posted: 04:23:58 04/11/03 Fri

I was all set to order a new Zafira Elegance 2.0 DTI until i looked at this and site and others similar sites. I'm sure most cars models have some problem or other, but what really worried my the attitude of Vauxhall and their dealers.

I contacted Vauxhall. I asked if the problem had been fixed and what in their opinion the maximum consumption should be. They Replied as follows:

"Our Technical Department has confirmed that we identified a problem with a small number of 2 litre turbo diesel vehicles with higher oil consumption.

This has now been corrected during production due to a different honing process of the cylinder and bores.

The maximum oil consumption for our vehicle range is 1 litre per 1000 miles, but this can mean that the vehicles can consume anything up to
this limit."

The maximum consumption of litre per 1000 miles did not really impress me. At this point I started looking elsewhere. The result was a peugoet 307 station wagon (SE spec) with 7 seats. For a few more pounds I've got 54mpg average, 110bhp, 6 air bags, a very quiet engine, stacks of equipment, good ride/handling and it even looks good.

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