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Subject: Is it really worth the effort?

Walter Cockgrow
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Date Posted: 03:31:19 09/18/03 Thu

I have to say, having read your website that you do seem to be going a bit over the top in attacking Vauxhall. My Zafira, a GSi Turbo by the way, uses at least 1 litre every 2000 miles. I just keep a careful watch on it and top up as required. I love my car and certainly wouldn't want to launch an all out attack on Vauxhall just because I've had to have a few parts replaced under warranty (2 gearboxes and one engine). That's what warranties are for. Now that my car is working well, I've even had it souped up a bit now. Well worth considering by the way. Anyone that's experieneced my Superchips conversion with optional 19 inch wheels has been amazed at the performance and grip. Indeed, the ladies at the local Rotary club were very impressed, after they'd sorted there hair does out that is. All that cornering force can certainly upset many a hairdressers work! It certainly has pulling power for us over 50s! Well, I must go now, a trip to B&Q to by some lovely terracotta statues of cherubs beckons. Just wanted to say, give Vauxhall a break. They've made a marvellous car.

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