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Date Posted: 06:36:43 12/14/04 Tue
Author: vc
Subject: Re: Sex toys!
In reply to: spinks 's message, "Sex toys!" on 05:49:33 12/14/04 Tue

>Hi there, I'm involved in a charity research project
>looking at drug and alcohol issues in the lesbian
>community in order to get funding for improved help,
>support and targeted information on drugs and drink
>specifically for gay women only - can you help please?
>The project is called the Minx Project, organised by
>youth charity Kikass, and staffed by young lesbian
>volunteers throughout the UK.
>We're conducting an online survey, all strictly
>confidential, with a prize draw of £50 of goodies from
>Sh! Women's Erotic Emporium -
>http://www.sh-womenstore.com - for completing it -
>we'd really appreciate your views and ideas in order
>to get the fullest picture possible of what's
>The survey's here:
>or you can get to it through www.kikass.tv/minx and
>just click on 'Survey' (stating the obvious...:) )
>Thanks for your help, please email jo@kikass.com with
>any questions...
>The Minx Project Team

Tried the address couldn't find it. Went on the home site of kikass couldn't find the survey you are talking about. Good luck with it! Just read a report from Holland about similar stuff! If you can let me know where I can find the survey I will try again.
X vc

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