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Date Posted: 02:34:59 11/29/00 Wed
Author: take a wild guess

Ok so I am really pissed. This was supposed to be something good, this could have been something
really great.

Do you have any idea how many plans we had that have now completely crashed down? How many
good things we were going to bring to the scene? How much I hate finances and people who need
money and people who make promises and then flake out on them and lie to you?

I am just not cut out for the scene... I was a whole lot better off just being a fucking dancer that
everyone knew.
Everything we have tried in my opinion has turned into a great fucking disaster with nothing in the
end to show for it - not success, not money, not experience, and definitely not with my damn pride
intact. I feel cheated, I am ashamed at these attempts and I urge anyone who ever thinks of being a
club promoter to banish it from you mind unless you have millions of dollars to back you up.

Don't go on promises, don't go on artistic value, don't go on hard work, don't go on faith, don't go on
hope, don't go on anything. Money is the only fucking thing that matters.

Whatever you do, don't think that hard work equals anything. Hard work doesn't get you anything but
fucking blisters. Nobody will respect you for it, nobody will see your latent talent and help you.
Nobody fucking CARES.

After a year, I have realized that it's all BULLSHIT. It doesn't amount to anything.

Another thing I have learned? This is actually more than a rant, this is something I learned many
many years ago. Don't listen to anyone who tells you how beautiful and smart and sexy and talented
you are unless they are willing to write you a check. Don't let them butter you up like that when they
have run out of options. Don't - DON'T let them play that card. Don't let them cheapen how truly
beautiful and smart and sexy and talented you fucking really are.
Words don't mean shit.
Listen when your real friends tell you that, or when your significant other tells you that.
But for God's sake - don't listen to it from "THEM. "They" try so hard to get on your good side like

Shit man......
That's all for now. I am off to write elsewhere before my quotes turn into names, or I punch the screen.

Comment if you want - or don't.

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