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Subject: Re: Spiritual connection

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Date Posted: 13:13:16 03/09/09 Mon
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In reply to: Trish Wyatt 's message, "Spiritual connection" on 17:21:25 02/27/09 Fri


The supernatural is subjective especially when it comes to whether the deceased can contact us after they die. I believe that it is possible for a loved one's spirit to contact us to give us comfort and peace--there is a small window for them to do so, after that window closes they have moved on.

The main basis for my belief has been personal experience of a 35 year span beginning with the death of my brother, my dad and now my husband. I received signs of peace and comfort from them and God's strength to move on. I never asked for the signs and visitations---they just happened.

Please do not attempt to contact your son through mediums or any other occult or new age methods....you will place yourself in spiritual danger by inviting demons probably familiar spirits that know about him and your familty line into your life and home. Once invited they are extremely diffcult to get rid of.

Now is the time for you to heal and move on. I am sure that your son would want you to move on with a happy life and I pray the you do that.


>My son died 7 months ago suddenly, he wrote on a
>mirror he loved me. I read your article, spirits do
>not come to you long after they die? Why? For the
>first few months alot of things happened, now there is
>nothing. Why? Has his spirit moved on? Is he "settled"
>as people tell me? I wish he would come to me in a
>dream but he hasn't

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Re: Spiritual connectionMaximus15:00:22 04/06/09 Mon

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