Subject: Re: Our board |
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Date Posted: 18:19:24 12/14/08 Sun
Author Host/IP: In reply to:
's message, "Re: Our board" on 18:17:54 12/14/08 Sun
>The Ouija board is a valid way of contacting spirits
>(evil spirits) The spirit you summoned was a
>demon...all of you invited it into the room and it can
>go into your body for a oppression or worse if you
>keep on working that board. These evil spirits tell
>lies mixed with a little truth to keep your interest.
>They use your curiosity as an entry way into your
>Know that the demons want to steal, destroy and kill
>your quality of life if not your very life. Stay away
>from the board. My web pages have been on the
>internet for many years and I have received many email
>from people who get into spiritual trouble that they
>do not know how to get out of.
>If you are Christian renounce your playing with the
>Ouija Board and the demons that came with it in the
>name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask for
>forgiveness...the bible forbids all Occult activity
>and never touch a Ouija board again. If you have any
>questions, send me an email.
>Best Regards,
>>So last night me and my friend Gima made a ouija
>>board. We gotthe top of a cardboard box and filled it
>>out. We got a normal glass cup for the "pointer". At
>>first we tried to play it with one more person, it
>>didn't work. When the person left it was just me and
>>Gima. We were asking it normal questions like "is
>>anyone here, how old are you, are you a good spirit or
>>bad." Well by then, we were freaked out. Then we went
>>and got the other person. They didn't believe us at
>>first. When we started to ask it more personal
>>questions like, "where did you die" It said my, Rex's,
>>house. Then we asked it when did it die and it said
>>"March 6, 1994". THATS MY BIRTHDAY. That's when I
>>started to cry a little. We asked it who killed them
>>and they said "you". We said "who's you" And they went
>>to R-e, then we ran downstairs. The next day we played
>>it again but this time it was in the daylight, it
>>still worked. Turn out there were 9 people in the room
>>with us. Our friends then scared the crap out of us
>>because we thought it was the people fromt he board
>>with us. We asked them if they would follow us, and
>>they said yes. Now typing this, this very momehnt,
>>side by side, we feel like someone's watching us. Or
>>people. Gima's brother ripped up our ouija
>>board....and now we don't knwo what's going to happen
>>to him, but they all swore that they would never hurt
>>me and Gima, but we never asked about our friends....
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