Date Posted:12:46:46 03/18/04 Thu Author:Thormagni Subject: Re: Welcome aboard! In reply to:
's message, "Re: Welcome aboard!" on 12:06:09 03/18/04 Thu
I could do a lot more reviews if I weren't such a procrastinator. I am just finishing off a stack that included BESM D20, Mecha D20, the Modern D20 Menace Manual, Star Wars Galactic Campaign Guide and a bunch of other books. Hopefully they will send me a stack of new stuff when the site operators get back from the GAMA show in Las Vegas this week. Free stuff is cool!
I told Vincent he could have Mindshadows when I got done reviewing it (hopefully tonight or tomorrow morning.) It's interesting but not really my cup-o-tea. I do like the quality in Green Ronin's stuff though. Mutants and Masterminds (their D20 supers game) is really a pretty book. Strange system, but a pretty book.
>Cool! I've been wanting to see Mindshadows. Please,
>bring it with you when you come. ;)
>That's awesome that you do reviews! :)