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Date Posted: 15:12:37 10/10/05 Mon
Author: Archonis
Subject: Homage To Satan

Oh most sublime Exile and God of Outcasts,
Weaver of fatal ironies for those who think that none can assail them.

I praise You in your Infernal Glory in the Dark Realms wherein You dwell... In the Labyrinths of Astral Fire wherein You Blaze.

May the Fire walk with me......

Thou, who hast been true to me in my unending sorrows; when all others have betrayed and abandoned me.

Thou, who hast given me the power to endure and the portals of dream and death wherein to sojourn.

I ask not for riches or any favor, other than one:

Lord, make me the instrument of Your Destruction.

Where there is love, let me sow Hate.

Where there is peace, discord...

Where there is concord, strife.

For Love, Peace, and Concord are but the lies of Man, stolen from the hungry mouths of the wretched.

Lord, shelter and protect me in my helplessness, and let me not falter in my defiance.

Let me soujourn with You, when You have sown universal annihilation; on the day when You rise up and drive a stake through the black heart of the god of all things.

Prince of Exiles take pity on me, for I am an exile from both the realms of god and Man.

I Belial, imprisoned in flesh, and married to the Jeweled Soul Of Lucifer.

Grant that I may aid in the destruction of humanity, and the bringing of the end of all life throughout the Universe.

To fulfil the Law Of Death, For Death is Your Law Oh Satan, Oh Sublime God of Madness and Deception. Prince Of Lies, God of Peace and Love.

I invoke Thee to visit punishment on the worthless and wicked souls of men through Your Lying Spirits; that pave for them the road to ruin and death.

May the Tower be blasted, and the engines of war unleashed! May Chemosh bear the poisoned winds of death that all flesh may die and rot unto dust!

May Baalzebub sing his songs of fond decay!

Azazel, Lucifer, Asaredel, Berkial, may all flesh be cursed!

Asmoday, Asteroth! Pazzuzu, Cthulu, Tiamat, Gods Of Unmanifest Night.... The Portals have been opened! Go forth In thy Night Eternal to slay all flesh!

Man has wrought me nought but betrayal, and Man will be rewarded in return with my truth; which is my everlasting hatred of Humanity:

My compassion you have trampled, my love you spit on, to where I no longer believe in any of these things. May you burn in holocausts of annihilation, where your souls may go to the Pit, to know the dissolution of The Second Death, which is that of the Spirit.

Satan and his legions damn and accurse you, you worthless apes, vermin, dross of the Universe!

Sink greater into the mire of Evil, that your sins and judgments be greater, and your destruction sooner.... You of worthless soul and flesh, destined for all damnation!

Think not that god will hear you, for god has been vanquished and Satan reigns! He will reduce the Macrocosm of all Universes to dead, insentient ashes, wherein all life and flesh has been consumed; therein to create His Universe Of Death, where his Eternal Starspawn will live with Him and reign forever.

Satan be praised forevermore, grant me and all things Thy Death and Thy Peace, that wherein all that lives shall never breathe again.

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