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Date Posted: 23:48:28 12/21/02 Sat
Author: Dorein
Subject: Updates

Alright this is how it is. We were cleaning out the basement and found two dusty cobwebs we were wondering what to do with. Basically AgentX and NuggetPacker. Neither have been around forever and therefore are going to be placed in our extended living quarters... also known as back on the market. If they decide that they want to play with us again and are going to be around then they are welcome to do so. Second thing I want to tell everyone now that we know that y'all are looking at the forum at least occasionally. We have set aside Wednesday 9:00pmEST for a meeting time, something no other clan does. Personally I believe that we are as a whole alot closer than most other clans and I believe that the meeting helps us with that unity. It is also a place to discuss any problems, questions, concerns, ideas, or to just go play with peeps you know afterwards. Our turnout has been dismal these last couple weeks and hope to see more faces around on Wednesdays. Now for an FYI. For those of you that were not there last week we are not meeting this Wed due to (yes looks like we are celebrating it too) Christmas. The one a week later though I would really like to see some faces at though. WE WANT YOUR INPUT!! We do realize that shit happens though, and some peeps have more important things to do than to mess with a game and that's fair too. But if I may I would like to point out a couple of our Exemplery members who work though thick and thin to make it to our meetings-- Painbrain who has shown every meeting since this clan was made.. through thick and thin. Vigo who's never missed a meeting and has been funding our server for the last couple months ON HIS OWN (dude we need to talk) . Jazzer who's had to pick up his cane and hobble his way past the wife and kids many a time to show. Alright you guys get the picture. If 9:00 is no good we can go back to 10:00 but we need to know. Ok enough for one night. C'ya all next meeting, or in the game!

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