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Date Posted: 10:24:34 05/25/03 Sun
Author: Justin
Author Host/IP: pcp01457854pcs.epensb01.pa.comcast.net /
Subject: Re: ""SEIG HEIL...!!!"" look,,, i fucking wrote ""MEIN KAMPF""...!!!!
In reply to: Jim Noisome... 's message, """SEIG HEIL...!!!"" look,,, i fucking wrote ""MEIN KAMPF""...!!!!" on 01:56:07 05/24/03 Sat

Hey, since your a nazi expert I guess you prolly knew that abortion was a nazi science in which they favored Jews as their "test subjects" and Margaret Sanger founder of planned parenthood was worked closely and was praised by Hitler for her work and finding ways to abort and sterilize the jewish race along with other undesirable races. And Margaret Sanger was a nazi sympathizer who supported many radical rascist groups. Look at the roots of what you say you love, and support its not good. Anyhow I said I'd stop along time ago with continuing these arguments and the only place were getting is back where this whole thing started. Well have a good day Jim.

>oh,,, MAN you are an IDIOT... explain HOW my HATRED
>for ALL "religion" makes me a NAZI...??? really
>now,,, i hate 'em ALL EQUALLY...
>seriously... FUCK jews... their "faith" is even MORE
>bullshit than "christianity".... they have borderline
>FASCIST regulations to follow,,, and have even LESS
>solid "reasoning" as to WHY.... BUT,,, do you see
>JEWISH kids out trying to CONVERT people...??? NO...
>they kinda stick to themselves when it comes to
>FAITH... THUS,,, i don't mind them as much...
>they're KINDA like the AMISH... they just wanna be
>left ALONE...
>and HITLER took more of a ""SCAPEGOATING"" toward the
>JEWS... he DIDN'T attack them for PREACHING or trying
>to SPREAD their "faith"... NO,,, he BLAMED them for
>his country's PROBLEMS,,, stating that they had
>CONTROL of the MONEY,,, MEDIA,,, and POWER,,, and
>that they were DESTROYING the country through
>FUNNY,,, i DON'T recall saying ANYTHING along THOSE
>lines,,, KID.....
>remember at the END of ""AMERICAN HISTORY X""...???
>((you know,,, it's that MOVIE that all you kiddies
>somehow became ""NAZI-EXPERTS"" from WATCHING...???))
>WELL,,, at the END,,, remember the MESSAGE...???
>""HATE is BAGGAGE..."" WELL,,, SO is "religion"...
>and "religion" is about a THOUSAND times more "heavy"
>than HATE....
>AND,,, i MIGHT be "wrong",,, but weren't the NAZI's a
>POLITICAL PARTY...??? SO,,, how does my hatred for
>""CHRISTIANS"" make me sound like a member of the
>you're FORGETTING that a NAZI was nothing more than a
>MEMBER of a POLITICAL PARTY that wanted working class
>you could have at LEAST used the ""ANTI-SEMITE"" title
>to kinda "tie" me to HITLER... BUT,,, you DIDN"T...
>and,,, that "title" is kinda FLAWED anyway,,, since
>the JEWS aren't a "semetic" people... BUT,,, for OUR
>PURPOSES,,, i guess i'll let it go here.....
>SO,,, let's look back here... you ASSUMED titling me
>a ""NAZI"" would ANGER me,,, but it DIDN'T.... and
>WHY...??? because i'm NOT,,, and ALL you acomplished
>was PROVING exactly HOW IGNORANT you are..... I HOPE
>you PAID ATTENTION,,, because i just fucking SCHOOLED
>your ASS,,, kid..... hahaha...
>i seriously hope all you ""ANTI-NAZI"" kids at LEAST
>know your fucking enemy.... i mean,,, HATING the
>NAZIs without knowing WHY is about the SAME as WHITE
>the WHITE POWER groups can SPEW out some fucking
>hate everyone....
>""Derrick always said it's BEST to end a paper with a
>QUOTE... He said that SOMEONE ELSE already said it
>BETTER,,, so steal that one and go out STRONG... I
>picked one i think you'll LIKE..."" HAHAHA!!!!!!
>SO,,,, in the words of that FAG-KID who sings ""DEAD
>KENNEDYS"" songs in CHURCH ((HAHAHA!!!)),,,,
>""READ A FUCKING BOOK....!!!!!!!!""

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