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Subject: Re: Free Radio Airplay

Johnnie Branham (Happy)
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Date Posted: 23:14:59 08/05/06 Sat
In reply to: Mojo Music Studio 's message, "Free Radio Airplay" on 13:22:25 01/27/04 Tue

>Frank here at Mojo Music Studio and The Home of
>Independent Music. If you'd like to be considered for
>radio air play, please, send us your music for
>possible air play on a cool radio show called, "The
>Studio" that airs at many High School, College, and
>Commercial Radio stations around the Globe....It's the
>Rock/Pop/Alternative/Ska/Punk/Reggae etc.. We do not
>air Country, Jazz, Rap.... check out the web site at
>www.mojomusicstudio.com and click on RADIO SHOW ...and
>mail me your press packages ASAP. If you are a
>musician or musician's friend, tell them about "The
>Studio" show and have them request our show on THEIR
>FAVORITE STATIONS! Stop on by www.mojomusicstudio.com
>, BECOME A MOJO MEMBER, and tap into the MAINSTREAM of
>the World's best, newest, INDEPENDENT MUSIC! We offer
> promotional radio air play for the top bands in the
>World . We do also offer EXCELLENT promotional
>packages! Feel free to give me a call to discuss the
>promo packages anytime.
>ALL Artists and/or their representative, must print,
>fill out, and return this form with your press package
>in order to be considered for air play on "The Studio"
>radio show.
>Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio" Radio Show
>License and Release
>This letter serves as an "umbrella license" to grant
>permission to Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio" radio
>show, to use copyrighted material royalty free, in
>like exchange for radio airplay promotion:
>__Someone's Watching___________________________________
>Artist Name: Johnnie Branham_____________________________________
>Artist address: _23047 Watson Rd. Defiance Ohio 43512___________________________________
>Website www.johnniebmusic.com ____________________________________
>Email johnniebranham@yahoo.com
>If, Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio" radio show
>cease operations they must NO LONGER use any of the
>selections and/or material stated herein for
>broadcast, promotional or other purposes.
>Artist or Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio" radio
>show, reserves the right to void this agreement at
>A copy of this letter, signed by a representative of
>the artist or the artist listed above must be
>submitted with all material to Mojo Music Studio and
>"The Studio" radio show, before airplay is considered
>to protect both, Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio"
>radio show & the Independent Artist. It will be kept
>on file permanently.
>Thank you for your support. We look forward to working
>with all New Independent Artists.
>Yours Truly,
>Mojo Music Studio and "The Studio" radio show.
>Artist Signature:
>__Johnnie Branham_______________________________Date:_8/5/06______________
>I am sending you a (EPK)on your on your email>
>Frank Grima
>General Manager
>Mojo Music Studio
>PO BOX 536
>Franconia, NH 03580 USA
>(603) 823-5691

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