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Subject: Re: Halle Berry as Catwoman

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Date Posted: 12:03:57 04/07/03 Mon
In reply to: JAGwire 's message, "Re: Halle Berry as Catwoman" on 15:20:04 04/04/03 Fri

honestly, I don't think it's going to happen. I have friends in the entertainment business and I know a thing or two about how the thing works. A lot of times, false information is released just for publicity reasons. True, WB might have TOLD eminem that he's being considered for the part, butI dont think they actually intend on casting him. They know, however, that that little soundbyte will be great publicity and bring lots of attention to the Batman movie, even before it starts getting made. Look! it's working.
Logically, they can't hire Eminem - Batman is a figure that a lot of little kids love and idolize. With his outstanding history of gay-bashing and misogynist lyrics, it would be suicide for the WB to cast him as Batman. Parents would have a field day with the protests and that would mean a BAD BAD BAD reflection on Warner Brothers - a studio that claims to be family-friendly and has historically been very much concerned with censorship (just read the "Batman animated" book to see some of the things they cut out of the animated series because they weren't sure it was kid-friendly).
In any case, I'm not too worried that eminem will be sportin' the tights anytime soon.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Halle Berry as CatwomanHarleyBabe21:04:16 12/19/03 Fri

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