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Subject: Surveillance drones powered by nuclear energy | |
Author: Knut Holt |
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Date Posted: 14:14:04 12/02/15 Wed Author Host/IP: Aerial Surveillance Vehicles Powered by Nuclear Energy By Knut Holt The great powers in the World, like USA, Russia and China, probably posses nuclearly powered aerial vehicles used for surveillance of own population, border surveillance and also intended to be used for crowd control in case of serious riots. When these are seen by people, they likely cause an UFO report. The view expressed in this article is formed after scrutinizing a great number of UFO observations, including histories of allegedly crashed UFOs, and upon historical records of successful experiments done with nuclear jet engines in the 1960es. It may explain much of the UFO activity observed around the globe since the early 1960es. Governments in both USA, Russia and China use aerial surveillance vehicles powered by nuclear energy, that are held aloft for long periods without any need to go to a base for fuel refill. These are mostly operated as remote controlled drones, but can occasionally be manned. They are mostly held aloft at a very high altitudes to monitor a broad area, but sometimes directed down to specific areas for near investigation. When they are observed by people, an UFO report is likely produced. They are mostly used to watch own territory or territory of allies, both to record activities in the population and to detect penetration by foreign powers. The vehicles are probably not intended to be used as regular military combat units, since the technology is poorly fit for that purpose. They may however be fit with tools for crowd controle, and some are probably equipped to strike down extreme occurrences of domestic riots. Report of people being paralyzed or even hurt by light beams, humming sounds and various kind of power fields from UFOs might originate from these tools being tested on samples of the population. The nuclear propulsion system does not need frequent refill of tanked fuel, and therefore the vehicles can be held aloft for long periods. The propulsion system has the capacity to give a powerful thrust and thus make the vehicles capable of moving quickly from place to place. The nuclear propulsion can be constructed in several ways. One way is by a central nuclear reactor connected to generators of electric power. The electricity will then be used to drive fans of various kind for propulsion. Another way is a nuclear reactor that is warming up some fluid medium to a high temperature, most probably liquid metal. The fluid medium is circulated between the reactor and jet motors using the heat from the medium as energy source. A third way are jet engines driven by nuclear fission processes inside the engine itself. A problem with the construction of such vehicles is the need to shield for the radiation made by the nuclear processes. This problems are mostly overcome by hiding the reactors or nuclear jet engines inside heavy structures that also serve as the central architectural structures of the vehicle itself. By using architectural structures as shielding, the radiation from nuclear processes can be shielded off without adding much extra weight to the vehicle. Weight will also be spared because fuel tanks and combustion fuel are avoided. The propulsion system is mostly hided inside the body of the vehicle and these vehicles are mostly constructed to be able to take-off and land vertically (VTOL). The vehicles mostly have a shape like a triangle, a flying wing, an ovoid shape or a disc-like shape, which are the shapes typically associated with UFOs. One mostly chooses such shapes because they make it easy to construct the shielding for radiation and provide VTOL capabilities. Since there is no combustion processes taking place in these vehicles, they will not eject any flames or emit much light when operated at low speeds. The jet engines or exhaust air used to cool the reactor will however glow faintly because of the temperature in the exhausted air. The glow is usually seen at symmetrically arranged spots on the vehicle body where hot air is let out. This faint glow is easily observed in night time, but is hardly seen in daylight. When the vehicle is operated at high speed or is accelerated, the temperature in the exhausted air will increase sharply, and parts of the vehicle will then glow brightly, and the exhausted hot air can even look like flames. The light from the hot spots can then also be reflected from great areas of the vehicle body so that the whole vehicle seems to be glowing. Sometimes also lanterns are lit on the vehicle to warn other air traffic to avoid collision, or the vehicle emits spotlight for observational purposes. All these variable glow and light pattern are also a typical part of UFO reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knut Holt is an internet based consultant and marketer focusing on technical and scientific items. He is also interested in health and fitness and in the investigation of strange phenomena. Please go to this web-site to read more about several scientific subjects, and to find smart products in the categories health and fitness, RC models and hobby, electronics, car equipment, and jewelry. Article Source: Article Source: [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |