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Subject: Re: geeklier-than-thouness ^_~

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Date Posted: 19:46:24 07/12/03 Sat
In reply to: LrdDimwit 's message, "Re: Wolf's Rain" on 22:35:43 07/11/03 Fri

>>>Spoken like a true American. Now get out there and
>>>spend spend spend!
>>Done and done. Just bought a laptop that's more
>>powerful than my current video editing machine.
>>I call it The Beast.
>I call my computer The Beast, too. It'd be even more
>appropriate if I had a 666 mHz system bus, but
>alas...god, I hate my machine...Have to uninstall the
>video card to burn, use my compiler, or run any DOS
>programs. Games crash.

^___^ I give Dave the "spiffiest hardware" hat. I give Dayton the "someone needs to exorcise your hardware" hat. I claim for myself the "most wildly random collection of hardware" hat...

I own three laptops. One of them is a 486/33 with 4 meg of RAM and a 120 meg *not* gig hard drive, made basically 10 years ago today. It only runs Windows 3.1. Its concept of a browser is AOL 2.0 because Internet Explorer didn't exist. And I'd still be using it today (as a portable word processor) if its screen hadn't blown out.

When the screen went shortly after I lost my job at Argus, I bought the cheapest laptop I could find to replace it, despite having a sizable desktop machine that was (at the time) still decent and functional (a P400 with a 13 gig hard drive, which was a reasonably good machine in 1998 when I bought it). I needed something portable to take around to job interviews with my websites on it. So the laptop I bought for $300ish was a P150. It had a CD-ROM drive. I was impressed. (My first laptop didn't have a CD-ROM drive; I'd installed Windows 3.1 by doing the 27-floppy swap dance.) I named it Taliesin because my desktop was Merlin; and basically the desktop had become Merlin because nobody at Argus knew how to pronounce Taliesin which I'd tried to name it first...

The third one isn't officially mine, but it's in my semipermanent custody (or at least I hope I continue to have this job); that's the Vaio that shows up at JAC to show stuff. It's got more RAM than my first laptop had hard drive. Ah, how the world changes in ten years...

oh yeah, and its name is Morrigan. When I was formatting and installing the lot of 'em for the docs group people who'd be their keepers, I was looking at four boxes lined up on the table and couldn't resist calling 'em War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. As far as I know, Famine, Pestilence, and Death may still have their original names, but since I needed a permanent spot on the CCSO network and apparently someone else had had a similar idea at some point, War became Morrigan...

okay, done being geekly for the night... ^^;; Having just turned 30 today, I'm feeling antiquated and retrospective. Maybe I should bring a walker to the fall blowout and cosplay as the world's oldest fangirl...

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Subject Author Date
Re: geeklier-than-thouness ^_~Chichiri22:25:18 07/12/03 Sat
Happy Birthday (nt)Jake12:38:14 07/13/03 Sun
AgeAdrian20:49:02 07/13/03 Sun

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