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Subject: Re: I take back everything I said defending Tokyopop on the Initial D subject

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Date Posted: 14:06:39 08/13/03 Wed
In reply to: Pasha 's message, "Re: I take back everything I said defending Tokyopop on the Initial D subject" on 13:47:21 08/13/03 Wed

>Yeah, that is the way I am taking things, since if it
>does well it sets a bad example for the future. Maybe
>they will eventually release an unedited version ^^
>.... Or maybe not ...

If they get smacked by the fan community as hard as I expect they will be, they might backpedal...remaster the first DVD...release two versions like they did for Cardcaptors.

>How well is the Initial D manga/graphic novels doing?
>I never see them listed among the top-selling titles,
>but maybe I just missed it ...

I don't know, but I would not underestimate Initial D if I were you. It's perfect for TV, and it was apparently wildly popular in Japan. I mean, the cliffhangers in every 2 of 3 episodes? Come on...that's the ideal hook to get people to keep watching (which is of course why it's in there to begin with).

Granted, racing shows aren't as popular over here...but if I had to take bets I'd bet that Tokyopop thinks they have the next Speed Racer.

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