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Subject: Scrapped Princess

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Date Posted: 05:45:39 08/14/03 Thu

Seeing Pasha's review of Twelve Kingdoms reminded me that this forum can be used to discuss actual anime series, too. :)

So, the only really important thing I can think to say about this series is that it TOTALLY ROCKS. It's only available via digisubs for now (unlicensed, 17 episodes out of almost certainly 26,) but I'm sure it will get picked up as soon as it finishes. Around episode 6, I started thinking that it might be among the best series I've ever seen, if not _the_ best, and that feeling has only grown. The art and character designs are very pretty, (unless you are Ash and only like 80s hair, in which case you're up a creek,) the CG is well-done and unobtrusive when it should be, and the story is quite compelling. The best way I can think to describe it is "take your stereotypical wandering-adventurers-in-a-medieval-setting and your stereotypical brat-princess-with-a-secret-plot-device, and then make it non-stereotypical." :) The setup in the first episode is that the three Casull siblings (Raquel, Shannon, and Pacifica,) are travelling in a wagon and get stopped by an angry mob. We find out that Shannon is a very strong swordsman (when he beats them all without unsheathing his sword), Raquel is a strong magic user, and Pacifica, although only 15 and apparently without any special powers, is the "Scrapped Princess" who will destroy the world on her 16th birthday. Pacifica acts bratty, Shannon acts uninterested (think "Sakura and Touya" kind of relationship,) and Raquel acts ditzy, but you can tell that there are deeper waters running through all of them. I guess I can't really say much more without getting into spoilers, since the plot starts to pick up right at the second episode! Everyone watch this! DO IT! DO IT NOW! :)

=D ave

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Re: Scrapped PrincessLrdDimwit07:05:37 08/14/03 Thu
Re: Scrapped PrincessChichiri14:01:52 08/29/03 Fri

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