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Subject: Re: Dates, times, updates

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Date Posted: 11:54:35 08/29/03 Fri
In reply to: LrdDimwit 's message, "Re: Dates, times, updates" on 07:57:34 08/29/03 Fri

>...perhaps it should be renamed the lending library?
>Fansub library? There aren't really that many tapes
>in it anymore, and furthermore there really aren't
>going to be. VHS fansubbing is dead, buried, and gone.

Actually, we just got an order of VHS tapes from Soyokaze Fansubs this week. (Of course, it was largely to fill in holes in things we had most of a series of, but like tape #2 or something had vanished, but still...)

>Wai, Azumanga Daioh! Wai! Wai!
>Witch Hunter Robin is cool too. Too bad I'm not that

What's even cooler is that we may *possibly* be able to show an Ultra Top Secret JAC-only version of both that and WR, if we can get the details worked out...

>It's too bad there isn't really that much room for
>one-off-ers anymore. I have some things you would
>DEFINITELY be interested in showing

Well... we deliberately didn't schedule anything on Reading Day Saturday (after the blowout) because (based on past experience) people are using reading days to (gasp) study for finals.

But depending on interest levels, it might be doable to have a sort of JAC++ someplace other than Loomis that day...

Oh yeah -- and we're having an onigiri fest again! November 15. Check the full schedule on the web page for all the details of when the blowouts are and stuff. ^__^

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Subject Author Date
Re: Dates, times, updatesChichiri14:05:46 08/29/03 Fri
Re: Dates, times, updatesD0SBoots15:06:03 08/31/03 Sun

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