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Subject: Re: Sarcastic Review WHR

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Date Posted: 06:22:22 09/08/03 Mon
In reply to: Pasha 's message, "Sarcastic Review" on 15:23:55 09/07/03 Sun

>Witch Hunter Robin: Robin doesn't look like she is
>15. And the computer programmer guy looks to be the
>coolest character in the show ... ^^

I intended to mention Robin's age as well. The artists put pigtails on her to appear younger, but her face looks ~18. She is also rather tall, but height is a poor indicator.

She doesn't act like a 15-year-old either. She demonstrates responsibility by gracefully traveling around a city. She joins a hunter squad, which is basically a police unit, in which she confronts life-or-death situations. She seems unfazed by the violence and injuries that occur to her new coworkers.

Most 15-year-old girls display more angst, less self-confidence (especially in violent situations), and (sadly) more concern about their appearance and first impressions on their new coworkers.

Although it is only the first episode, Robin acts more like 17-18. If the opening can be believed, she is going to develop more doubts about her witch abilities and more angst about her crush on one of the men. It's still less than at 15.

The writers must have a plot reason to place her at 15. Perhaps she is an orphan, or her high school will become an issue.

On a side note, the first episode was tightly paced. It didn't have a lot of mellow time. If you daydreamed for 2 minutes, you missed a lot of plot. Tight pacing is good when you're only watching one series, but when you watch a 5-hour block of anime, your thoughts wander.

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Re: Sarcastic ReviewKaty22:22:30 09/10/03 Wed

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