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Subject: Re: Unpopular (but good) shows

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Date Posted: 21:41:12 09/08/03 Mon
In reply to: Chichiri 's message, "Re: Unpopular (but good) shows" on 18:33:58 09/08/03 Mon

>>I would nominate Jubei-chan (blah, blah, eyepatch
>>ninja girl) - bizarre humor, weird characters, and
>>pretty decent action sequences ^^. The episode where
>>she gets her "mask" is so stupid ... ^^ Anyway, it
>>doesn't appear to be an overly popular show, which is
>>kind of sad ...

I had a few episodes of the dub inflicted upon me (Ko-eee-now-su-kay! Where are you? @_@ ugh...) and the sub was much better than I was expecting after having experienced the dub. It gets a belated thumbs up from me... it's not earth-shattering great art, but it's fun fluff...

>Now and Then, Here and There. :) Whee, another
>Daiichi Akitarou, but serious. It's done very very
>well (and shows that he's a great director) but I
>hardly hear anyone saying it's good.

Well, you won't hear me saying it's good either. I'd give serious consideration to slitting my wrists with the second DVD rather than watching it. One DVD of that was MORE than enough for any lifetime of mine and I hope never to have to finish watching it. Two near-solid hours of child abuse and child rape was just SO not my cup of tea...

>I wouldn't say this is the best ever, but I'm also
>enjoying Naruto a lot, and I haven't hear a lot about
>that show, either.

I figure we can count the nanoseconds until someone licenses Naruto, considering the astounding number of cosplayers running around doing it at this summer's cons. But it'll be in the CD library up until that point -- here's another thumbs up from me; I liked it much more than I was expecting to. (Me: Oh great. They wear traffic-cone orange and they're ninjas. Sounds like someone desperately wants to cash in on both DBZ and Ninja Scroll. (four episodes later) Hey, their teacher rocks. I think this has the potential to be better than I would ever have given it credit for if someone had just left me with the description...)

I also have discovered tonight that I like Ayatsuri Sakon the anime nearly as much as I like the manga. The first couple episodes bobbled a little but the third story arc has started out to be really interesting.... particularly since I haven't read that far in the manga yet (nobody's translated it and I haven't run down a source of the Japanese version... YET...) Apologies to whoever disliked it here on the forum, but I'm already plotting mad cosplay contemplations; there's all kinds of fun stuff that could be concocted there... ^__^

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Re: Unpopular (but good) showsChichiri08:41:56 09/09/03 Tue

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