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Subject: Re: Ayatsuri Sakon

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Date Posted: 21:54:09 12/13/03 Sat
In reply to: LrdDimwit 's message, "Re: Ayatsuri Sakon" on 08:12:28 09/02/03 Tue

The first two storyarcs in both the anime and the manga are fairly simple and straightforward. Both the artist and writer were kind of new to the genre. The manga did come out almost ten years ago. Once you get into the last few storyarcs (especially the final two in the anime which are totally new from the manga) they are much stronger in art style and story. The sad thing is alot of people don't bother to get that far into either of them... they are worth it though. And if you have an interest in the puppetry arts of Japan, they are a must see.

>>>You actually GOT HOOKED? Perhaps the manga is
>>> I have the first episode of the anime, and it's
>>>pretty bad. Seems to be the anime version of your
>>>average Friday the 13th movie, with things making
>>>little sense but happening anyway.
>>Yeah, I think the manga's better then. In the manga
>>version scary stuff happens but then you get to watch
>>the Sherlock-Holmes process of figuring out what must
>>have happened...
>>;_; was hoping it'd be worth watching; Ogata Megumi's
>>the main character's voice, she usually does
>>interesting characters...
>There was some decently atmospheric stuff, but it was
>entirely separate from the actual content of the
>episode. I've got the one episode...on one of my
>legion of discs. We can watch it Saturday (I will be
>down, BTW).

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