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Subject: Prologue

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Date Posted: 18:21:21 12/27/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, ""Change of Hearts" (A Foxay/Miguel Fic) " on 18:11:47 12/27/02 Fri

Title: "Change of Hearts"
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera


Kay and Miguel have known each other since they were born. Their families are close and they have always been best friends ever since they could remember.

Kay would wear long ponytails with pink bows on the tips. Little boys would pulled at them and make her cry. Miguel would push them out the way, take Kay by the hand, and they would go play some where else.

Miguel was always sticking up for Kay, at school, at the playground, at the park, everywhere. She just happened to be a little girl who would always need his protection, so they both thought. And when she joined little league just to be around him, they became closer than ever. Everyone that saw them knew that one day they would get married, have children and life would be wonderful. Kay and Miguel, Miguel and Kay. They were inseparable. There was no coming in between them. "Together forever", Miguel would always say, then he would kiss Kay on the cheek and run home before she slugged him.

Now at age sixteen, Miguel is captain of the baseball team, on the swim team, and help coaches a little league team in the neighborhood.

Kay is beautiful, with long legs, beautiful dark brown hair, and eyes that sparkle every time Miguel enters the room. She's the captain of the swim team, and co-captain of the girl’s basketball team. Every girl at school wants to be her, and every guy at school wants to date her. Every guy that is except one. Miguel Lopez Fitzgerald.


End Prologue

Read Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Dee18:27:12 12/27/02 Fri

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