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Subject: Chapter 18

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Date Posted: 21:03:17 09/27/02 Fri
In reply to: 's message, ""Almost Fatal"© " on 21:47:12 09/20/02 Fri

Title: Almost Fatal
Author: DeeCKidd
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Gwen locks Theresa in an abandoned building in hopes of letting her die there.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from “Passions” Soap Opera.


Gwen unlocked the door to an old abandoned apartment near the docks.

Inside sat an end table and a small lamp. It was damp and dark with a habitation of rats and big juicy water bugs. There were broken windows and cobwebs for the walls’ decorations.

An old smelly couch sat near the table. When Gwen carefully walked around, she turned on the small lamp and threw her bag on the couch. A huge rat and his family of rodents scurried from the couch running past Gwen’s feet.

Gwen let out a high pitch scream! “Damn rodents. Ewww! This is horrible!” She continued. “Perfect home for our perfect little terror-sita. That bitch will never have the fairy tale ending she’s always dreamt of. Never!” She said laughing at her triumph.

Right then, there was a knock at the door. The disguised orderly entered with the gurney Theresa laid on. She was still despondent, but Gwen knew just how to fix that.

“Bring the gurney over here.” She said motioning for her faithful goon.

When Gwen looked at how pale Theresa looked, her heart flinched. But then she immediately remember that this was the same person that schemed her way into Ethan’s life, and she wasn’t going to have a heart now. She could care less what happened to her. She wanted to rid the world of Theresa Lopez Crane.

Gwen pulled a syringe out of her bag that had some yellowish substance in it.

She took a cotton ball and dabbed it in some alcohol. She then took Theresa’s arm and rubbed gently around in one area.

“Unfortunately Terror-Sita, this isn’t going to hurt one bit.”

She pushed the syringe through her arm until all of its contents were gone. Afterwards, she placed another cotton ball over the area and put a bandage on it.

She looked at her male cohort, and motioned for him to pick Theresa up and place her down on the infested couch.

“What did you give her boss?” He asked curious.

“I gave her the reversed antidote of what poisoned her. Those doctors are so stupid. They couldn’t even see that she was only sitting right beneath a coma. Nothing that was even fatal to her health unless she stayed in this state for more than a week.”

“Very clever boss.” He said smiling. “Now what are you going to do with her?”

“I’m going to make her pay for her deceit. She is going to regret messing with me, and taking Ethan.”

Gwen walked over and pulled some rope from her bag.

“Here, sit her up and tie her hands behind her back. She should be waking up any minute now.”

The man did what was asked of him, and then walked toward the door and made a call to see if the next part of their plan was in place.

“Did you get out of there without being noticed?” He said to the person on the other end.

“All right. This is good. I will tell the boss right away.”

Theresa started to stir, but she was still kind of out of it. Gwen heard her mumbling Ethan’s name over and over.

“You can call him all you want Theresa. He can’t hear you. No one can hear you. And no one will ever hear you again.” She hissed.

The guy walked up to Gwen and told her that everything was in place.

“Great!” She said grabbing her bag. “Let’s get out of here.”

Gwen looked one more time at Theresa who was starting to stir even more. She took one last glimpse at the necklace Theresa was wearing, and smiled. She knew that Theresa was in for the ride of her life.


When Pilar finally came around and explained to them what had happened, Ethan immediately remembered the strange orderly they had passed on the way up to Theresa’s room.

“He had Theresa!” Ethan shouted.

“Who Ethan? Who had Theresa!” Luis demanded.

“The orderly! You know, the one we passed on the way up here.”

Martin looked at his son in law. “How do you know Ethan. How can you be so sure?”

“I don’t know. I just feel in my heart that he had her. And there’s no telling what will happen. We have to find her now!”

Martin laid Pilar down on the bed meant for Theresa, as Luis and Ethan ran out in hot pursuit to find her.


Groggy, Theresa woke from her unconsciousness. She blinked several times before fully focusing.

“Ethan.” She softly whispered. “Ethan where are you?”

Theresa tried to reach up to rub her heavy eyelids, but couldn’t.

“Oh my God! What’s going on?” She said trying to pull herself free.

“Where am I? Why am I tied up? Ethan!” She began to scream.

“Someone help me please. Help!”

All of a sudden a voice came across the room.

“No one can help you Theresa. No one!” Gwen said hackling.

“Gwen, is that you? What have you done to me? Where are you?” She said trying to look behind her.

“Don’t break your neck, my little terror-sita. I’m not in the room.”

“Where are you Gwen? Why can I hear you and not see you?”

Gwen laughed once again. The microphone in the necklace Theresa wore around her neck came in loud and clear.

“You’re just full of questions aren’t you dear?”

“Gwen please. Don’t do this! You’ll regret it! Ethan will find me.”

“Shut up! Just shut your whining. I’m tired of your fate talk. There is no hope for you. Absolutely none at all. And besides, Ethan is mine now. He’s with me at this very moment.”

“You’re lying! I don’t believe you!” Theresa shouted.

“If you don’t believe my words, then maybe you’ll believe your eyes.”

“What do you mean?” Theresa softly spoke. All of a sudden, a video monitor came on above her. She could see Gwen in it sitting on top of a desk with her legs crossed.

“Well hello there. How are you holding up in your new home?” Gwen said laughing.

“Gwen, you cannot keep me here. Please, don’t do this to me.”

Just then Theresa saw a family of rats scurrying across the room.

“Oh my God Gwen, please don’t do this to me.” She began to cry.

“Me! Me! Me! It’s all about you isn’t it Theresa. Well, not anymore. Your life is over. You will stay in that apartment until you die. But for your sake, you should hope that you die before the rats attack you.”

“Ethan, where are you? Please come find me.”

“He’s not coming Theresa. Ethan doesn’t love you. He has decided to be with a real woman.”

“That’s a lie! Ethan loves me, and he will find me!”

“Well if that’s the case, why is he here with me right now.”

“No! You’re lying. He loves me. He will never be with another woman!”

Just as soon as Theresa said those words, she heard Ethan’s voice.

“Hi Gwen, did you take care of that little bitch Theresa.”

At first Theresa didn’t want to accept that being Ethan, but she looked hard into the monitor and saw his face as plain as day. It was him. And he was saying awful things about her.

He walked over to Gwen’s desk and pulled her close to him.

“How could I have been so stupid? Why did I waist so much time trying to love her when my heart belonged to you? I will never be so foolish again. I love you Gwen.”

Then Ethan and Gwen shared a very passionate and loving Kiss. When he turned and faced the camera showing his face in the monitor that Theresa looked into, she could tell that the man on the screen indeed have feelings for Gwen. But how could he do this to her? After all they had been through.

Was it possible that Theresa lost Ethan for good? Will she die in the abandoned apartment never to be heard from again? All these thoughts clouded her mind as she spoke up at the monitor.

“Ethan no, say it isn’t so. Please tell me you love me. Please come and get me out of here so we can live the life we talked about. Please don’t let me die here.” She said weeping.

“I’m sorry Theresa. At first I wanted to find you, but Gwen convinced me that my life is with her. This is the way it should have been from the beginning before all of your schemes. It’s over Theresa. Just deal with it. It’s over!”

Theresa couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Her life was ending. Ethan had told her that it was over between them, and that he wasn’t coming to save her. There was no hope for her now. She couldn’t live without his love. She wouldn’t live without his love.

This totally destroyed her, that she began to feel faint. Her heartbeat got weaker, and she passed out on the couch that held her frail body up.


End of chpt 18

Read chpt 19

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Chapter 19Dee21:07:12 09/27/02 Fri

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