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Date Posted: 06:54:30 04/30/03 Wed
Author: .Hell's Spell.
Subject: .The Worst Spell.».».
In reply to: Demônio 's message, "-O Demônio Anda Entre Você-" on 06:13:42 04/30/03 Wed

Demon's appendages carry him near the demoness, and near the other sahib, whom he had never seen until now. Dark occulis gazed over at the lead. He dipped his crown in polite manner. "Hello." Dark occulis turned towards the other steed. "Hello, I am Hell's Spell, what is your name?" Of course he wouldn't know him, being the fact that he came not that long ago.

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[> [> [> -O Demônio Anda Entre Você- -- Demônio, 16:06:09 04/30/03 Wed

Brute turned now to face the other. Facade showed a light interest in who he was but it ended there. Silvery rocks struck the earth as he pondered how to answere the so over-used question. He had been around for a few months now though he had never seen this brujo around before. Oh well you meet new people everyday 'suppose. Back to the current question.

Tis a pleasure Hell's Spell I am sure.My name is that of Demônio the meaning is Devil in Portugese. The meaning of Devil is a very wicked or malevolent being. Not sure if it fits me but tis my name all the same.

Crown was dipped towards the steed slightly. Ebony nares flare delicatly murky pools remaining upon yon' male equine.

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[> [> [> [> Lovely Day. -- Deepest Desire, 04:22:42 05/02/03 Fri

She hid a smile, happy that the herd was getting along and there weren't any tiffs among the equines and stood back a long, glad to just have her presence around but not as a major. Her life have very much so always been like that, not hiding, but resting the background until she was needed. "Very well, thank you." She replies in a soft tone, any trace of the old harshness gone.

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Lovely Day. -- .Hell's Spell., 17:28:29 05/02/03 Fri

Demon's dark optics gaze at him. "Ah, Demonio, nice too make your 'accquaintance." Dark optics turned to gaze at the demoness, whom stood before them. Auds flick for a moment as she spoke, then they stood still. Whipcord stood still. "Glad to see you are doing good." A smile could been seen on his features, it was like he was finally fitting into somewhere.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> >>>Demoness watches<<< -- >>>Gingerbread<<<, 07:15:23 05/03/03 Sat

Demoness watches from the side seeing the 2 musculines and the head vixen standing in a circle making peace. Daggers touch the ground at a light walk. Auds prick forward at the sound of conversation among the trio. Nods her head in respect to the higher femme. Sound emmits from the soft vocals. Her blizzard blue orbs look at Deepest Desire, not wanting to be rude she speaks softly. "I am Gingerbread. I am one of the newer vixens. How is everyone today."
The scene of the trio reminds her of her past life. She sighs sorrowfully looking at Hell's Spell. He looked so much like him, but yet, he didn't. Orbs try to look joyful even though she was sad.

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